ultra 5.29.14 Flashcards
the bullet hit him right in the heart
la bala le acertó de lleno en el corazón
riddle, puzzle
un acertijo
cultural heritage
our collective heritage
el acervo cultural
nuestro acervo común
to acclaim, applaud
to adhere, stick to
adherir(se) a
I have affection for him, although he is a bit rude at times
Le tengo afecto, aunque es un poco grosero a veces.
to disrupt, disturb, make a racket
He incited (or: agitated) the workers with his inflammatory speeches
Alborotó a los obreros con sus discursos incendiarios.
The wind stirred up (or: whipped up) the waves, so that swimming wasn’t much fun.
El viento alborotaba las olas y no era agradable bañarse.
delight, joy, jubilation
el alborozo
jewel, treasure, gem
la alhaja
el almizcle
to tame, to break in
Very patiently, the horseman tamed the wild horse.
Con mucha paciencia el jinete amansó al caballo salvaje.
mountaineer, climber
un andinista
to cancel, repeal, annul
public funds
arcas públicas
support, protection
el arrimo
to wreck, ruin, destroy
Las lluvias torrenciales arruinaron la cosecha.
The torrential rains ruined the harvest.
a donkey, ass
un asno
to dress up (in)
ataviar(se) (con, de)
Berta was wearing a silk shawl
Berta iba ataviada con un chal de seda.
to fill, stuff (with)
atiborrar (de)
to spy, watch, peep at
From the window, she could watch (or: monitor) what went on in that alley.
Desde la ventana atisbaba lo que sucedía en aquel callejón.
an inkling, an indication
un atisbo
el atuendo