Ultimate Football Flashcards
Know the diagram of the court: Out of bounds End zone Halfcourt Where you score points
See Mrs. Krumpelman for help
What is the catching technique for the following:
You catch a frisbee by sandwiching it between your two hands?
pancake catch
What kind a pass is: Throwing the ball a long distance over a defender - so that it stays in the air a long time?
lob pass
You throw the ball to a teammate and someone from the other team hits it out of the air before it is caught - what happens?
the other team gets possession of the ball
If you catch the ball and someone from the other team comes and knocks it out of your hands - what happens?
You keep possession of the ball
How many passes to a girl must be completed before you can score?
How many pass must be completed to your team before you can score?
Two teams - red and black - - if the red team scores who has to walk down to the other end of the court?
What other thing can you play this game with besides a football
How many feet must be between you and the player you are guarding?
How many steps can you take without beign called for traveling?
What is the most difficult way or most advanced type of catch in this game?
one handed catch
What happens if a player holds the ball TOO LONG?
The other team gets possession of the ball
How many points do you receive if your team scores?
If you catch the ball in the endzone after it hits off the wall - what happens?
It is a score - your team gets 1 point