UKGAAP Flashcards
UKGAAP differences to IFRS: Inventories (1)
NRV is based on fair value achieved in an open market
Refers instead to estimated selling price less costs to complete and sell, the selling price is estimated by the specific entity
UKGAAP differences to IFRS: NCA held for sale and discontinued operations. (2)
discontinued operations shown as one line in SPL with further detail provided in notes
assets held for sale when criteria are met are categorised as such and no longer depreciated
in keeping with CA06 discontinued operations are shown in a separate column in the income statement
-hfs doesnt exist so still a nca and still charge depn
UKGAAP v IFRS: Revenue
IFRS adopts 5 stage approach
UKGAAP does not but does give similar outcomes in treatment
UKGAAP v IFRS: Borrowing costs.
IFRS must capitalise once all criteria are met but UKGAAP can choose to or to expense
UKGAAP v IFRS: Intangibles
developments costs must be capitalised once all criteria met
intangibles can have unlimited useful like which will then be tested for impairment
have choice to capitalise or expense
rebuttable presumption on 10 year useful life and finite
UKGAAP vs IFRS: Capital grants.
IFRS: choice of netting off or deferred income method
UKGAAP: can only use deferred income method
UKGAAP vs IFRS: Financial instruments.
Initial recognition at fair value
Under UKGAAP initial measurement is at transaction price
UKGAAP vs IFRS: Goodwill on subsid (3)
Goodwill is not amortised and is tested annually for impairment
Impairment reversal not allowed for GW
Gain on bargain purchase is recognised through SPL
GW amortised over UL (10yr rebuttable presumption)
Impairment reversal allowed for Gw
Gain on bargain purchase is called begative goodwill and shown on seperate line in the asset section of ther SFP as a deduction from postiive gw
UKGAAP vs IFRS: Acquisition costs.
IFRS acqn costs are expensed to SPL
UKGAAP acqn costs are added to consideration
IFRS gives choice of FV method
UKGAAP only allows proportional method
UKGAAP vs IFRS: Exclusions on consolidation
IFRS no exclusions allowed,
UKGAAP subsid should be excluded where severe long-term restrictions apply or where a subsid is held exclusively for resale purposes
UKGAAP vs IFRS: Goodwill on associate and JV
IFRS: no separate goodwill recognised
UKGAAP-omplict goodwill should be recognised and amortised
UKGAAP vs IFRS: Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors.
IFRS: Does not comment on whether a change to the cost model when fair value can no longer be determined reliably is a change of accounting policy or not.
change to cost model (when reliable measure of fair value no longer available) not to be treated as a change in accountancy policy.
UKGAAP vs IFRS: Related party disclosures
UKGAAP: does not require disclosure of transactions entered into between 2+ members of a group (as long as subsid is wholly owned by other party)
UKGAAP vs IFRS: Leases
IFRS: All leased assets (of terms >12 months) are now to be capitalised and recognised as ‘right of use’ assets by lessees unless low value or short term at which case charged to SPL on straight line basis
Distinction between financing leases and operating leases
finance lease like recognised ifrs leases but is on basis of transfer of risks and rewards of ownership to the partt using the asset
Meanwhile an operatin glease is any other lease and is treat like short life or low value leases in IFRS
Proceeds arising from sale of items produced in process of bringing PPE to location/condition neccesary are recognised in the SPL in the period earned
These proceeds are deducted from the carrying amount of a PPE item.
UKGAAP vs IFRS: conceptual framework
six qualitivite characteristics
does not identify materiality, substance over form, prudence, balance between benefit and cost as seperate qualativite characteristics
framework states an asset ‘has potential to produce economic benefits’
10 qualativite characteristics (does not differentiate fundamental and enhancing)
Identifies a wider range of qualitiviate characteristics with materiality, substance over form, prudences, balance between ebenefit and cost given explicit reference
Asset definition is ‘expected economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity’