UK Politics:Democracy & participation - Rights in context 2 Flashcards
What are human rights?
Human rights, sometimes known as ‘natural rights’, are those rights and liberties that all people are automatically entitled to.
What are the characteristics of human rights?
Human rights are absolute, universal, and fundamental.
What does it mean for rights to be absolute?
Absolute rights cannot be compromised or diminished in any way.
What does it mean for rights to be universal?
Universal rights are applied to everyone equally, regardless of any other considerations, such as race or gender.
What does it mean for rights to be fundamental?
Fundamental rights are an essential part of life and cannot be removed for any reason.
What are civil liberties?
Civil liberties are the basic freedoms that allow people to express themselves and live without fear of oppression or a police state.
What are the two forms of rights and liberties?
They can be either a fundamental right to do something or a fundamental freedom from government oppression.
What is the significance of the Human Rights Act 1998?
The Human Rights Act codified the European Convention on Human Rights into British law, providing greater legal protection for citizens.
What are positive rights?
Positive rights are clearly given to a citizen, usually in the form of a constitutional protection.
What are negative rights?
Negative rights are not explicitly set out and only exist because of an absence of any law banning them.
What was the purpose of the Westminster Social Policy Forum in 2016?
The forum discussed how transgender equality issues are dealt with by various government departments and aimed to ensure legal rights for trans people.
What are some key milestones in the development of rights in the UK?
Key milestones include the Magna Carta (1215), Bill of Rights (1689), European Convention on Human Rights (1953), and Human Rights Act (1998).
What is the Freedom of Information Act 2000?
The Freedom of Information Act ensures political transparency by allowing citizens to access non-security related information held by public institutions.
What are civic responsibilities?
Civic responsibilities include respecting and obeying the law, paying taxes, and voting.
What are some arguments in favor of individual rights?
Arguments include ensuring protection from government abuse and leading to civil responsibilities.