UK part Flashcards
Borrowing costs
IFRS = must be capitalised, UK = optional
Development costs
IFRS = must be capitalised, UK = optional
Goodwill (4 things)
1) UK = only partial goodwill (% of assets which means goodwill is not recognised in NCI only in the parent)
2) UK = Goodwill is amortised (over 10 years)
3) UK = negative goodwill is recognised on balance sheet and amortised (over 10 years). IFRS would go to P&L
4) UK = contingent consideration is only recognised if it is probable, always for IFRS
IFRS = lessee capitalised all leases, unless >1 year or very small. UK = only capitalised if meets definition of finance leases
Financial instruments
UK = FVTPL or amortised costs (no OCI)
Assets held for sale
UK = no designation, keep as normal (continue to depreciate and do not move to current assets)
Deferred tax
UK = recognised on timing differences (not temporary differences), very minimal impact on numbers
Concepts and principles
FRS 102 only uses costs and FV - IFRS = conceptual framework and FV
FS presentation and BS and P&L
FS presentation
UK = companies act requirement and true and fair override (can go away from requirement to ensure it meets primary function of FS) - IFRS = Conceptual framework and IAS 1
BS and P&L
UK = companies act requirment - IFRS = conceptual framework and IAS 1
Listed implications
If debt or equity is traded on a regulated exchange must do IFRS not UK
FRS 101 reduced disclosure
Only for qualifying entities (not group entities)
Not classified as being prepared in accordance with EU adopted IFRS, the FS are classified as ‘Companies Act financial statements’
Events after the reporting period
FRS102 allows dividends reported after reporting date to be present as a separate component of retained earnings
IFRS = requires annual reviews of recoverable value (FV) but UK = only when indication of impairment is present
Related party disclosure
UK = transactions between parent and wholly owned sub are exempt from disclosure
Foreign currency translation
UK = does not have a foreign currency translation reserve
Investment property
FRS102 states IP must be held at FV - IFRS option of FV or cost
Discontinued operations
FRS102 = Results of discontinued ops presented in a separate column in P&L as opposed to a single line item
Assets held for sale
FRS102 = no reclassification as IFRS has but it is seen as an impairment indicator
FRS = recognise when risks and rewards are transferred