Employee Benefits Flashcards
Employee benefits IAS standard
IAS 19
Covers 4 distinct types: Short term, Post-employment, Other long-term and Termination benefits
Short term benefits include
Include: Salaries/wages, paid annual leave/sick leave, profit sharing and bonuses, non-monetary benefits (healthcare)
Short term paid absences (accumulating and non-accumulating)
Accumulating paid absences are if you can carry forward leave to the next year, the expected costs of unused entitlement is recognised as an accrual at year end.
Non-accumulating absences are only recognised as an expense when the absence occurs.
Profit sharing and bonus plans
Recognise the costs when:
A) The entity has a present legal or constructive (valid expectation) to make such payment as a result of past events. AND
B) A reliable estimate of the obligation can be made.
Present obligation exists only when the entity has no realistic alternative.
Defined contribution plans - Defined benefit plans
Defined contribution plans = % of annual salary, the value of the pension depends on the value of the fund.
Dr expense
Cr cash/accruals
Defined benefit plan = Final salary x (years worked/per terms of plan)
Defined benefit plan
Balance sheet you see
Pension assets (FV) - X
Pension obligations/liabilities (At PV) - (X)
Net asset/liability - X/(X)
P&L Service cost (increase in liability due to employee service) Interest expense (finance cost) (increase in liability as discount unwinds for present value) Assets also grow due to investment performance = return on investment (RoI)
High yield corporate bonds return % (often government bonds) used to calculate the RoI and finance cost often known as net interest costs
Remeasurement gain/loss = difference in our workings to actuary values given for asset and liability
B/F + Return on investment + contributions - paid out = expected asset
B/F + Interest + Service cost - paid out = expected liability
When significant amount of employees leave/fired
Gain/loss to P&L
Dr liability
Cr P&L
Asset ceiling
Restrict the amount of gain so it does not appear to be an asset for the investors
Ceiling is the PV of any future cash savings from not contributing to the scheme