Cashflow Flashcards
Subsidiary and associate dividends
The part attributable to the parent is ignored as outflow in sub = inflow in parent
But there will be the outflow to NCI
Record inflow from associate
Indirect method - cashflow proforma
Operating activities
Order - operating, investing, financing
Cashflows from operating activities
Profit before tax - X Adjustments: Depreciation - X Impairment - X Profit on sale of PPE - (X) Share of associate / JV - (X) FX loss - X Investment income - (X) Interest expense - X Decrease in receivables - X Decrease in inventories - X Decrease in payables - (X) Subtotal = cash generated from operations Interest paid - (X) Income taxes paid - (X) Total = Net cashflow from operating activities
Indirect method - cashflow proforma
Investing activities
Order - operating, investing, financing
Cashflows from investing activities
Acquisition of sub net of cash acquired (same for sale) - (X)
Purchase of PPE/investments - (X)
Proceeds from sale of PPE/investments - X
Interest received - X
Dividends received from associates/JVs/investments - X
Total = Net cash used in investing activities
Indirect method - cashflow proforma
Financing activities
Order - operating, investing, financing
Cashflows from financing activities
Proceeds from issue of shares - X
Proceeds from long-term borrowings - X
Payments of lease liability - (X)
Dividends paid (only to owners of parent and NCI) - (X)
Total = Net cash used in financing actives
Combines with operating and investing = net increase in cash and cash equivalents. Plus cash at end of prior period = cash and cash equivalents at end of period
NCI dividend calculation (if not given in text)
Same for associate
B/F NCI (BS) + profit attributable to NCI (after tax) less C/F NCI (BS)
For associate use the share of associate in the P&L
IAS 7 prefers direct method not indirect (indirect is the normal one)
Prefers direct as its info not elsewhere in FS
Direct method not normally used as it would be expensive to maintain