UK Financial Services and Consumer Relationships (4/80) Flashcards
What are some key considerations when assessing individual income?
- earned income from employed and self-employed jobs
- income received from investments and deposits
- rental income from investment property
- financial support from others, eg, a former spouse or partner, or an existing trust
- state benefits.
What are some key considerations when assessing individual outgoings?
• rent or mortgage payments
• bills for food, heating and electricity
• council tax
• taxes – including National Insurance contributions (NICs)
• TV licence, phone and internet charges
• maintenance being paid to a former spouse or in respect of a child
• credit card and loan outgoings
• regular insurance premiums
• contributions to pensions and regular savings plans
• sums budgeted for holidays and major life events.
What is the financial life cycle?
The financial life cycle is a concept that is used for the purpose of considering what people’s financial
needs typically are at various stages in their lives.
What are the typical stages of the financial life cycle?
- Childhood
- Single young adulthood
- Young couple, no children
- Parents with dependant children
- Empty-nesters
- Retired
What are the two forms of Pension Scheme?
Salary-related (also known as defined benefit (DB)), or money purchase (defined contribution (DC)).
What is the maximum amount you can have in a UK pension scheme?
GBP 1 mn
What are the UK Tax bands?
Up to 12,500 - No tax (Personal Allowance)
12,500 - 50,000 - 20%
50,000 - 150,000 - 40%
Over 150,000 - 45%
What is Inheritance Tax?
To summarise, IHT is a tax on gifts or transfers of value. There are two main chargeable occasions:
- gifts made during the lifetime of the donor (lifetime transfers)
- gifts or transfers on death, for example, when property is left to someone in a will (the death estate).
What typical information would a Financial Advisor look for in an initial fact-find?
• basic information (such as name and address)
• current financial situation (level of savings, investments, mortgage)
• current income and outgoings (financial commitments such as loans, mortgage, bills)
• expected income and outgoings (potential future issues such as school fees, bonuses to be paid by
• aspirations and goals (retire early, move home).
What are the requirements of the FCA’s Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) initiative?
Firms must be able to demonstrate that they are behaving fairly in all areas of their activities – from the way in which they communicate to the quality of their advice they provide to their customers.
Is Financial Planning a one-off process?
No, it should be repeated at least annually or if circumstances change
What is a term assurance life insurance?
Term assurance stays in force for a set period only, and pays out a sum on the death of the life assured.
What are examples of Direct Investments?
Direct investments include securities such as bonds and shares.
What are examples of In-Direct Investments?
Indirect investments include vehicles such as unit trusts, open-ended investment companies
(OEICs) and investment trust companies.
What are some tools for Estate Planning?
- a will (essential in every case)
- a lasting power of attorney (LPOA)
- trusts
- life products, eg, life assurance
- in some cases, other estate-planning vehicles or strategies.