FCA Conduct of Business Fair Treatment and Client Money Protection (18/80) Flashcards
What activities are subject to COBS?
- designated investment business
- long-term insurance business in relation to life policies, and
- activities relating to the above.
What is the geographic scope of COBS?
COBS applies to a firm carrying on the following activities from an establishment maintained by it in the UK, or from an establishment maintained by its appointed representative in the UK.
What is a “Durable Medium”?
• Paper.
• Any instrument which lets the recipient store the information so that they can access it for future
reference, for an appropriate time and on an unchanged basis. It includes storage on a PC but
excludes internet sites, unless they meet the requirement for storage and retrieval. So, for example,
information conveyed on a website page will not automatically meet the requirements for a durable
Which activities require voice recording?
• receiving client orders
• executing client orders
• arranging for client orders to be executed
• carrying out transactions on behalf of the firm, or another person in the firm’s group, and which are
part of the firm’s trading activities or of another person in the firm’s group
• executing orders that result from decisions by the firm to deal on behalf of its client
• placing orders with other entities for execution that result from decisions by the firm to deal on
behalf of its client
• discretionary investment managers.
What do voice recording requirements not apply to?
• activities carried out between operators, or between operators and depositaries, of the same
collective investment scheme (CIS)
• corporate finance business
• corporate treasury functions.
What is the base principle of Inducements under COBS?
An investment firm must not pay to/provide or accept/receive from any party other than its client, or a
party acting on behalf of its client, any fee, commission or non-monetary benefit in connection with the
provision of any investment or ancillary service.
What is the rule on charging for Research?
From 3 January 2018, firms which produce research must apply a separately identifiable charge to
the research when providing it to EU-regulated firms that provide portfolio management services or
independent financial advice.
How can relevant EU-regulated firms receive (consume) research?
Paying for it using one of two methods:
1. directly from its own resources, or
2. via payment from a research payment account (RPA) controlled by the firm funded by a specific
charge to its clients.
What triggers a communication to be considered “Research”?
• concerning one or several financial instruments or other assets
• concerning the issuers or potential issuers of financial instruments, or
• closely related to a specific industry or market such that it informs views on financial instruments,
assets or issuers within that sector, and
• which explicitly or implicitly recommends or suggests an investment strategy and provides a
substantiated opinion as to the present or future value or price of such instruments or assets, or
otherwise contains analysis and original insights and reaches conclusions based on new or existing
information that could be used to inform an investment strategy and be relevant and capable of
adding value to a client’s decisions on behalf of their clients.
Can a firm accept Research provided for free?
Firms should not accept Research for ‘Free’.
Where a firm does not want to accept research material, they should take reasonable steps to cease
receiving it or avoid benefitting from its content, for example, by automatically blocking or filtering
certain senders/materials where practicable, and/or requesting a provider to stop providing research,
and/or using the compliance function of the firm to monitor, assess and determine whether the material
can be accepted before it reaches those parts of the firm that would make use of it.
Is Macroeconomic Analysis considered Resarch?
To be Research, the following two conditions need to be met. The material or service:
1. must concern one or several financial instruments or other assets, or current or potential issuers of
financial instruments, or be closely related to a specific sector or market such that it informs views
on financial instruments, assets or issuers within that sector or market, and
2. explicitly or implicitly recommends or suggests an investment strategy and provides a substantiated
opinion as to the present or future value or price of such instruments or assets, or contains analysis
and original insights and reaches conclusions based on new or existing information that could
be used to inform an investment strategy and be relevant and capable of adding value to the
investment firm’s decisions on behalf of clients being charged for that research.
What does it mean for Research to be made openly available?
The industry view is that ‘openly available’ research in the context of written material would mean that
there are no conditions or barriers to accessing it (for example, a necessary log-in or sign-up, or the
submission of user information by a firm or a member of the public) in order to access the material.
What conditions apply to a Research Payment Account (RPA)?
The RPA must only be funded by a specific research charge to clients, agreed with clients, developed
by the firm as its research budget for the purpose of establishing the amount needed for third-party
research in respect of investment services provided to its clients.
The RPA must not be linked to the volume or value of transactions executed by the firm on behalf of its
What information must firms provide to clients in respect to an RPA?
• information about the budgeted amount for research and the amount of the estimated research
charge for each client
• annual information on the total costs that each client has incurred for third-party research.
What would NOt be considered research ((and cannot be paid for by an RPA)?
• post-trade analytics
• price feeds or historical price data that have not been analysed or manipulated in order to present
the firm with meaningful conclusions
• seminar fees
• corporate access service
• order and execution management services
• administration of an RPA.
What is a Financial Promotion?
A financial promotion is an invitation or an inducement to engage in investment activity. The term,
therefore, describes most forms and methods of marketing financial services. It covers traditional
advertising, most website content, telephone sales campaigns and face-to-face meetings.
What is the scope of the Financial Promotion rules?
In general, these rules apply to a firm which carries on business with, or communicates a financial
promotion to, a client in the UK (including when this is done from an establishment overseas); they do
not apply to communications made to persons inside the UK by EEA firms.
What do the rules of Retail promotions require?
These rules state that:
• the firm’s name is included on the communication
• the information is accurate and does not emphasise potential benefits, without also giving fair and
prominent indication of any relevant risks
• it is sufficient for, and presented in a way likely to be understood by, the average member of the
group at whom it is directed or by whom it is likely to be received
• it does not disguise, diminish or obscure important items, statements or warnings.
What is the basic purpose of the Financial Promotions rules?
To support:
• Principle 6 – the interests of its customers and treat them fairly.
• Principle 7 – the information needs of its clients and communicate information to them in a way
which is clear, fair and not misleading.
Can an unauthorised person communicate a Financial Promotion?
No - breach means 2 years in prison
What must be included in the discl;aimer for a Financial Promotion?
- those which deal with products or services when a client’s capital may be at risk make this clear
• those quoting yields give a balanced impression of both the short-term and long-term prospects for
the investment
• if an investment product is, or service charges are, complex, or if the firm may receive more than
one element of remuneration, this is communicated fairly, clearly and in a manner which is not
misleading and which takes into account the information needs of the recipients
• the FCA is named as the firm’s regulator and that any communication refers to matters not regulated
by the FCA (making it clear that those matters are not regulated by the FCA)
• those relating to packaged or stakeholder products not produced by the firm itself give a fair, clear
and non-misleading impression of the producer or manager of the product.
What is the definition of Prominence in regards to Financial Promotions?
The FCA defines prominence as ‘the state of being easily seen’, ie, in terms of a statement within a financial promotion and likely to be seen by virtue of its size or position.
What is the general rule for communicating with retail clients?
The FCA’s general rule in communicating with retail clients requires firms to ensure that information
does not emphasise any potential benefits, without giving a fair and prominent indication of any
relevant risks. It must also not disguise, diminish or obscure important items.
What is the process for banning a Financial Promotion?
- The FCA will give a direction to an authorised firm to remove its own financial promotion or one it
approves on behalf of an unauthorised firm, setting out its reasons for banning it. - Firms can make representations to the FCA if they think they are making the wrong decision.
- The FCA will decide whether to confirm, amend or revoke the direction. If it is confirmed, the FCA will
publish it, along with a copy of the promotion and the reasons behind the decision.