Uglies Chapters 31-40 Flashcards
What did David’s parents used to do for a living?
They were cosmetic surgeons
What did Maddy discover about the lesions in the brains of New Pretties?
They were occurring in the brains of those Pretties who had specific jobs.
What is the “Pretty Committee?”
It’s the group of surgeons who do the “Pretty” surgeries, the Committee for Morphological Standards
Which Pretties do not have brain lesions?
Firefighters, wardens, doctors, politicians, and anyone who worked for Special Circumstances
Why did Maddy and Az run away?
After they discovered the lesions, Special Circumstances showed up to their home, took their data, and told them that if they did any further looking, they would lose their licenses
What does Tally now realize about the Pretty operation?
It not only changes your physical appearance, but it also changes your outlook and how you think about things
How did Maddy and Az turn themselves back into Uglies? Why did they do this?
They gave themselves doses of the chemical that would melt the plastic within their bodies, returning themselves to their original states. They did it because they wanted to start a community of people who were free to think and do as they wanted, not as they were told to do.
Why are Maddy and Az convinced there is a cure for the brain lesions?
Because when someone showed up in a challenging line of work, the authorities would “cure” them, causing the lesions to go away.
What does Tally now realize about her parents and other Pretties?
They aren’t concerned with anyone but themselves (whenever Tally would deal with ‘real-life’ problems, they seemed to be disconnected).
According to David, how is Tally different than the other Uglies?
Because he says that she sees the world clearly for what it is.
How does Tally react when David tells her that she is beautiful?
At first, she questions him, saying that she can’t be beautiful because of her thin lips, close together eyes, frizzy hair, and squashed nose.
Why did Tally throw her pendant into the fire?
She wanted to ensure that Dr. Cable wouldn’t ever come to The Smoke, and that David and everyone else would be safe.
What is happening in The Smoke at the end of this chapter (32)?
Special Circumstances has arrived, because Tally wakes up hearing running, shouting, and the sound of helicopters.
What are the Specials doing to The Smoke?
They are setting it on fire, to get rid of it
What two things did The Boss keep for emergencies?
Ground habanero peppers and a bag of magazines
What was The Boss willing to do for Tally if she had been wearing shoes?
Let her run the opposite direction and avoid the Special Circumstances officers
How does a handcuffed Tally escape from the Special?
She kicked a container, it popped open, and a brownish-green dust sprayed out over the Special, allowing Tally enough time to get away.
What ends up happening to Tally at the end of this chapter (33)?
She ends up getting dusted with the pepper spray, which ends up allowing a Special to apprehend her. At the end of the chapter, the Special ends up forcing Tally’s face into the dirt.