UE various treatments Flashcards
Visual TART screening for shoulder
shoulder height, angle of scapula, spine of scapula, shoulder position in sagittal plane
Joint palpation for shoulder
glenohumeral, SC, AC
Myofascial palpation for shoulder
upper traps, deltoids, pectoralis, rhomboids
Indications for glenohumeral SD BLT
subdeltoid bursitis or frozen shoulder
Glenohumeral BLT
Pt lateral recumbent with dysfx side up, put GH into indirect position
SC ABduction
scapular elevation, inferior SC movement
SC ADduction
shoulder depression, superior SC movement
SC Flexion
Protraction of scapula leading to posterior SC glide
SC Extension
Retraction of scapula leading to anterior SC glide
SC ADducted Still’s
extend and adduct elbow, add compression toward SC joint, move shoulder into superior glide and abduction in posterior circumduction motion
SC ABducted Still’s
abduct and flex elbow, add compression toward sc joint, move shoulder into adduction with anterior circumduction motion
apply cephalad traction on arm, thrust on SC joint while inducing traction through arm
Direction of thrust for ADducted SC
Direction of thrust for Extended SC
AC joint separated SD still’s
affected side abducted with slight extension to open sc joint, apply traction and move arm into adduction/flexion
Supraspinatus TP location
midsupraspinatus just superior to spine of scapulae
Supraspinatus TP positioning
F arm 45 degrees, abduct 45 degrees, externally rotate
Levator scapulae TP location
levator at superior angle of scapula
Levator scapulae TP positioning
Pt head rotated away, IR pt’s shoulder, add mild-moderate traction with minimal abduction
Subscapularis TP location
anterolateral border of scapula on subscapularis m.
Subscapularis TP positioning
pt’s shoulder extended and internally rotated
Biceps Brachii long head TP location
over long head of biceps tendon in bicipital groove
Biceps brachii long head TP positioning
elbow and shoulder flexed, arm minimally abducted and internally rotated
Biceps brachii short head TP location
inferolateral aspect of coracoid process on short head tendon of biceps
Biceps brachii short head TP positioning
Elbow and shoulder flexed, arm minimally adducted and internally rotated
Ulnar ABduction HVLA
supinate and extend elbow to 5 degrees, grasp olecranon, move elbow into adduction and apply a medial to lateral thrust
Ulnar ADduction HVLA
supinate and extend elbow to 5 degrees, grasp olecranon, move elbow into abduction and apply lateral to medial thrust
Radial head anterior glide is coupled with what motion
Radial head posterior glide is coupled with what moton
Anterior radial head SD
place thumb into crease of patient’s elbow to contact anterior radial head. Flex elbow and pronate forearm. exert a rapid hyperflexion force while thrusting the radial head posteriorly
Posterior radial head SD
extend and supinate elbow, place thumb over posterior aspect of radial head, exert a hyperextension force while thrusting radial head anteriorly
Interosseous membrane MFR
palpate for tension, place thumbs over tense areas, compress areas of tension while adding compression or traction
Interosseous BLT
indirect positioning of wrist and elbow to attain BLT at interosseous membrane, add resp phases
Wrist flexor retinaculum MFR
thumbs on medial and lateral attachments of transverse carpal ligament, press thumbs onto surface and hold 20-60 seconds
Raciocarpal joint SD articulatory
place hands parallel to joint line, squeeze and add traction, move wrist in clockwise and counter-clockwise motion, carrying dysfx thru barrier
Wrist extension/ventral carpal HVLA
pronate elbow and grasp pts hand with thumbs contacting radiocarpal joint, move from extension to flexion thru dysfx
Wrist flexion/dorsal carpal HVLA
pronate elbow, grasp pt’s hand, move from flexion to extension through SD
Phalangeal dysfx HVLA
isolate dysfunctional joint, exert traction and hyperflexion thrust through SD
Radial head-lateral TP location
anterolateral aspect of radial head at supinator attachment
Radial head-lateral TP tx
pt’s elbow in full extension, forearm supinated, fine tune with valgus force
Medial epicondyle TP location
near medial epicondyle of humerus assoc with common flexor tendon and pronator teres
Medial epicondyle TP tx
pt’s elbow flexed, marked pronation, forearm slightly adducted
Dorsal wrist (extensor carpi radialis) TP location
dorsal surface second metacarpal assoc with extensor carpi radialis
Dorsal wrist (extensor carpi radialis) TP tx
pt’s wrist passively extended and abducted
Dorsal wrist (extensor carpi ulnaris) TP location
dorsal surface of fifth metacarpal associated with extensor carpi ulnaris m.
Dorsal wrist (extensor carpi ulnaris) TP tx
pt’s wrist extended and adducted
Palmar wrist (flexor carpi radialis) TP location
palmar base second or third metacarpal in flexor carpi radialis m.
Palmar wrist (flexor carpi radialis) TP tx
pt’s wrist flexed and abducted
Palmar wrist (flexor carpi ulnaris) TP location
palmar base fifth metacarpal in flexor carpi ulnaris muscle
Palmar wrist (flexor carpi ulnaris) TP tx
pt’s wrist flexed and adducted
First CMP (abductor pollicis brevis) TP location
palmar base of first metacarpal in abductor pollicis brevis m.
First CMP (abductor pollicis brevis) TP tx
pt’s wrist passively flexed, thumb abducted