Udemy lecture 8: ECS, lambda, batch, lightsail Flashcards
___________ is a software development platform to deploy apps
Apps are packaged in _________ that can be ran on any OS
Apps runs the ___________ regardless of where they’re run
Docker images are stored in ______________
Docker repositories
What does ECS mean?
Means elastic container service
ECS is used to _________ docker container on AWS
With ______ you must provision & maintain the infrastructure (the EC2) & AWS takes care of starting/ stopping the containers
_________ its a serverless offering, that launch dockers containers on AWS but dont need to provision the infrastructure (no EC2 instances to manage, so its simpler)
_________ is a private docker registry on AWS
__________ is where you store your docker images so they can be run by ECS or fargate
What does serverless mean?
Means the developers dont have to manage servers, they just deploy code
Serverless doesn’t mean there are no servers it means you just don’t ____________________
manage/provision/ see them
What are the different serverless services in AWS?
- Amazon S3
- DynamoDB
- Fargate
- Lambda
With _____________ you have virtual functions, so no servers to manage, its limited by time, short executions, run on-demand, & scaling is automated
Amazon Lambda
Lambda is a ___________, and it is also event-driven where the functions get invoked by AWS when needed
reactive service