UCSP Biological and Sociological Flashcards
It refers to the physical
transformation of modern
humans from hominids into
thinking modern humans or
Homo sapiens.
Evolution Theory (Charles Darwin)
It explains how species evolved
and how they adapt to their
Natural Selection
Organisms that have traits most
suitable to their environment will
survive and these variations are
passed on to their offspring in
subsequent generations.
Survival of the Fittest
“Lucy” – was one of the first hominin fossils to become a household name.
Her skeleton is around 40% complete.
“The Handy Man”
First maker of stone tools as weapons and protection for their enemies;
Skillful in doing small tasks;
Usage of basic tools.
Homo habilis
“The Upright Man”
- manlike specie could walk
up straight (bipedalism)
Homo erectus
“The Thinking Man”
- first to develop and use
oral language
- relative intelligence that
built today’s civilization
Homo sapiens
Lipuun Point Reservation of the
Tabon Caves Complex in the
southern part of Palawan Island
Dr. Robert Fox (1918-1985)
Tabon man
It was excavated in 2007 in Callao
Cave, Peñablanca, Cagayan Valley,
* Dr. Armand Salvador Mijares.
Homo l u z o n e s i s
- Earliest form of society
- Men hunt; women gather
- Nomadic
Hunting and Gathering Society
Herding animals like sheep,
goats, cattle, or horses (animal
domestication) for
transportation and food
Animals; land (communal)
Pastoral Society
Cultivation of fruits and
vegetables to survive
- Sedentary (multi- community)
Horticultural Society
Farming and domesticating animals
* Rely on the use of technology to
cultivate crops in large areas
* Landowner and slave
Agricultural Society
Invention of machinery
(waterpower and steam engine)
* Use of advance sources of energy
to run large machinery
* Agricultural -> mass production
and manufacturing
Industrial Society
The economy is based on
services and technology and not
* Information technology and
computer (digital tools)
Post-industrial Society