Ubd Democracy Grows Unit Vocab Flashcards
Cotton Gin
-A machine created by Eli Whitney that quickly/easily separate cotton fibers from their seeds
-Infamous (famous in negative way)
-Causes slavery to grow due to the idea that it made cleaning cotton way quicker meaning more work could get done. Additionally, plantation owners started growing more cotton needing more slaves for service.
-The Cotton Gin enabled a slave to clean 50 times the amount of cotton in one day.
-hort table cotton could grow anywhere
-Long stable cotton could grow on the area of coastal South Carolina,etc.
Industrial Revolution
-A period of major economic and technological change that transformed societies from agrarian to industrial economies
Samuel Slater
-The founder of the American Industrial Revolution
-He builds the very first real factory (Textile Mill)
Irish Potato Famine
-Forced the Irish to come to the United states
-Its what starts the huge amount of Irish immigrating or the United States
-That group of people found success and wrote letters to people who were back in Ireland and it became a pattern until it slowed down
What happened:
-Potatoes were extremely nutritious and anyone could grow it -Started to grow fungus -When picked, they were not edible due to this -Irish started starving because that's all that they could mostly grow due to the lack of crops that could survive in Irish weather/soil -They felt anguish causing them to leave there country/homeland for the United States, settling in the northeastern area.
-The legal process of freeing a slave
Andrew Jackson
-7th President of the United States from 1829 to 1837, seeking to act as the direct representative of the common man
-Established the Democratic Party
-Removed Property Requirements
-Campaign to the People
-Paid off our national debt over the course of 3 months
-He advocated the creation of a canal across Nicaragua
In between:
-Nullification Crisis -Solved the problem -Violated supremacy clause; Jackson did not challenge this concept of Virginia and Kentucky Resolution in the Supreme Court.
-Petti Coat Affair
-Secretary of war Eaton
-Jackson reacts to this because it is similar to how his wife felt
-Resigned most of his cabinet.
-Spoils System
-10% were only fired, but many were corrupt/incompetent -New York Collector stole 1 million
-Indian Removal Act -15000 died -2nd trail of tears - Defied supreme court led by John Marshall
-Made Indians sign the petition for the act and manipulated them
2nd National Bank
-The first national bank had run out its permission to operate in 1810
-For the next two years things are fine
-War breaks out; war of 1812
-Caused us a lot of money; many banks started failing
-John Adams gets permission for 2nd National Bank
-when Jackson becomes president he leaves the bank alone for a hwile
-1830 he was to busy removing the natives
-1832 Jackson has congress on his side and is not distracted
-Gets elected
-Wants to destroy it
-Cant do that so he has to find a reason
-Gives money to southern banks which fails
-Causes panic
Common Man
-The group of who are also known as as the “uneducated masses” and did not own land
Missouri Compromise
-After Missouri became a slave state they created compromise that all the states under the lines were slave states and the upper side were not slave states
-This compromise took action till the Compromise of 1850 where it was abolished due to the idea that California it didn’t have enough people to split into two states
-Northern California had gold and then southern had vast bodies of water
-There is no more Missouri compromise but all the slaves that were/weren’t slave states could not change
-No selling slaves in the capital
-No talking about slavery in Congress
-Eventually led to Bleeding Kansas
Westward Migration
-The Gold Rush caused people to go to California expanding the population immensely
-a period of American history when many people moved west for economic opportunity, land ownership, and the possibility of independence.
Gold Rush
-It caused California to get a lot of people which then destroys the Compromise of 1820 Line.
-Instigates why California blows up with people in is ready to be a state way quicker before people expected.
Texas Independence
-Catalyst towards Mexican war
-Had a piece of land (Mexico is there)
-Mexico the government is weak there is a lot of in fighting
-The USA tries to get them to sell land
-Obnoxious because the Mexicans also have nationalism; they are looking at the United States thinking they are obnoxious becaouse they just
-Commaches will rain down to the coast and go to Mexico and then leave
-Mexicans come up with the idea by putting the Americans between Mexico and the Commaches
-Government gives a piece of land says “come you can settle here”
-Texas ends up being more American than Mexico -America wants this a part of our country; goes to war -Mexico wins -Texas wants the United States to take them but they don't want to because it could separate into a bunch of different states -Texas threatens the United States to be friends with the British; president before Polk essentially lets them be part of the country.
-Abolitionists: people who wanted to end slavery
-Radical Abolitionists: people who believed ALL slaves should be freed and given the same rights as the white -Examples: -John Brown -Harriet Beecher Stow
-Most of the Americans were entural because slavery didn’t really interfere with them
Fire Eaters: group of pro slavery people
-The idea of being more loyal to a specific region of a country than to the country as a whole.
-Indian Removal Acts -Removed the Indians due to the claim that they were taking valuable land from the south that could be growing crops
-Nullification Crisis
-Benefited the north industrially -Impacted the south's agricultural economy because of how expensive the tariff was for them.
States Rights
The belief that states have equal power to that or the federal government.
Compromise 1850
-Compromise of 1820 explains that north of border has no slavery and the south has slavery
-California wanted to become a state and threatened to be part of britain
-Missouri Compromise line ends becuase Califronia did not want to be split into 2 states.
-Compromise of 1850:
-No more selling slaves in capital
-Westward territories become a free for all - Popular Sovereignty (would be later resolved)
-California could become a state
Bleeding Kansas
-The first example of sectionalism being violent
-What happened:
The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 allowed settlers in Kansas to vote on whether to permit slavery.
This reopened the possibility of slavery extending into new territories north of the Missouri Compromise line.
Other factors that contributed to the violence included rival territorial governments, election fraud, and land claims.
-The violence included murder, mayhem, destruction, and psychological warfare.
- A particularly horrific incident was the Pottawatomie Creek massacre in May 1856, where abolitionist John Brown and his sons killed five pro-slavery advocates.
The violence intensified the debate over slavery in the United States and served as a key precursor to the Civil War. Kansas entered the Union as a free state on January 29, 1861.
The violence in Kansas contributed to a rise in anti-slavery sentiment in the North. Aid movements like the New England Emigrant Aid Company helped establish towns in Kansas that became strongholds of Republican and abolitionist sentiment.
John Brown
-Radical Abolitionist- wanted to end slavery
-Contributed the most to the American civil war
-Attack a Pottawatomie Creek
-Attacks Harpers Ferry
-Wanted to create an all black state.