UA conditions Test #2 Flashcards
Fatigue headaches fever exertional dyspnea
all anemias
Acute blood loss anemia PP
accident or internal hemorrhage
Acute blood loss anemia Blood test
normochromicmacrocytosispoikilosytosisnucleated rbireticulocytesincreases WBCs (neutrophils)anisocytosisdecreased platelets”norma makes peter nut really intense all day”
Chronic blood loss anemia PP
slow internal bleeding (not noticed until iron depleted)
Chronic blood loss anemia blood test
MicrocyticHypochromicincreased plateletsleukopenia
Iron deficient anemia PP
currently pregnant, young child growing fastPICAassociated with ulcers and gastrectomy
Iron deficient S&S
PICAParesthesiaBurning tongueAngular stomatitis (cracking mouth in corners)GastritisDysphagiaSpooning nails”Peter’s penis burns all day, got syphilis”
Iron deficient Anemia BT
Decrease MCV Decrease MCHC Decrease HCT (hematocrit)microcyticnormal WBCHypochromicAnisocytosis Poikilocytes
Iron depletion
loss exceeds intakemobilized iron storage
Iron deficient erythropoeisis
decreased serum ferrite’ssaturated transfurens
megaloblastic anemia
pernicious anemiafolate deficient anemia
pernicious anemia PP
numbness or tingling in distal extremitydifficulty walkingepisodic abdominal paingastroectomyA vegantapworm
Pernicious anemia S&S
atrophic glossitis (sore, raw pale)episodic abdominal painPallesthesia loss of vibratory sensationsUMNL (paresthesia)post column-pins/needles in distal extremitylat column- weakness, spastic
Pernicious anemia blood test
increased MCVdecreased hematocritnormochromicmacrocyticPoikilocytesovalcytesphlimsy RBC
normal iron problem with dna synth.
pernicious anemia
only vitamin exclusive to microorganismsstored in liverdepleted in people with gastroectomy or vegan
Treatment of pernicious anemia
intraMuscular injection of B12
formeruser of alcoholpregnantw/ fatiguenormalB12Heatfood or use powder milkvegans
↓ Serum FolateB12 normalPlatletsnormalWBCnormal
STOREDin LIVERformedby intestinal bacteria
deficiency in folate
Heat foodsPowdered MilkGoats Milk
bloodtest with pancytopenia (decrease in all blood cells)nose/ gum bleedingInfection
bleedingfrom the gumsnosebleeds frequent↑susceptibility to infection
Aplastic Anemia BT
NormocytesThrombocytopeniaLeucocytopenia↑serum feritanNormochromicB12 & Folic acid normal
BoneMarrow production problem2 WAYS:
1) Direct Destruction of Hematocrit[Drugs (chlorophenical), radiation, virus, hepatitis, Epsteinbarr]2) ImmuneComplexMediated Destruction of Marrow Cells