U2- Practical 2 Flashcards
shaft of long bone
ends of long bone, increases SA for attachment
houses spongy bone
articular cartilage
surrounds ends of bones
hyaline cartilage
allows for lubrication of joints
epiphyseal plate/ line
growth plate
spot of metaphysis
medullary cavity
cavity houses bone marrow
spot for hematopoiesis
compact bone
outer shell of bones
spongy bone
permeated bone filled w/ bone marrow
found on inside of bones
lattice structure that composes spongy bone
basic unit of bone
central canal + lamellae
former osteoblast trapped in matrix deposited
central canal
center of concentric lamellae
where vasculature enters the bone
perforating canals
connect central canals w/ diagonal passages
concentric lamellae
layers of matrix circled around central canal
circumferential lamellae
lines boundaries of dense bone
hold broken down osteons
house osteocytes
connected by canaliculi
channels connect conc. lamellae + lacunae
bone endosteum
reticular CT
lines internal marrow cavity, canal system and all spongy bone
bone periosteum
external sheath covering bones
perforating fibers (Sharpey’s)
connect Spongy bone (lamellae) to periosteum (outside sheath)
muscle fiber
single musc. cell
contains proteins filaments, multiple nuculi and smooth Er
surr. e/ musc. fiber
elastic sheath surr. whole muscle
muscle fascicle
bundle of musc. fiber
surr. by perimysium
sheath surr. entire muscle fiber. makes Fascicle
fibrous collagenous tissue attaches bone to muscle
envelope, bind or connect musc.
neuromuscular junction
never fiber meets target cell + target cell is a musc. cell
mvmnt- fibrous structure
synarthrosis. No mvmnt (fused) ex. skull
mvmnt- cartilaginous
amphiarthrosis. partcial mvmnt ex. spine
mvmnt- synovial
diathrosis. freely movable Ex. shoulder, elbow, ankle…
types of synovial joints (6)
ball and socket gliding hinge saddle pivot ellipsoidal
articular capsule
encloses joint cav.
retains syn. fluid
covered by fibrous capsule
synovial mem.
inside fibrous capsule
contains cells that secrete syn. fluid
articular cartilage
hyaline cart.
covers ends of bones
joint cavity
divides cartilage and bone
contains syn fluid
fibrous sac of syn fluid
btw muscles, where tendon passes over bone or btw bone and skin
attaches bone to bone
Gliding joint
two sheets griding over e/ o/
ex. btw carpal bones
hinge joint
like door
ex. elbow and knee
pivot joint
one part rotating around another
ex. axial vertebrate (first 2 verteb)
ellipsoidal joint
vertical twisting (like grounding powder in chem) ex. joint btw carpal and metacarpal biaxial
saddle joint
u shaped depression w/ lateral mvmnt
ex. sternum- clavical joint
ball and socket joint
has circumdifcial mvmnt
ex. hips and shoulder
reducing angle
ex. moving forearm towards body at 90 degree angle
creating larger angle
ex. straightening forearm away body at 90 degree angle
away from the body
ex. legs swings laterally
towards the body
ex. arms move towards midline
bone spins on longitudinal axis
ex. turning ankle left and right
lateral flexion
Ex. left and right at waist
anterior mvmnt in horizontal plane
ex. pushing chin out
posterior mvmnt in horiz. plane
ex. pushing chin into neck (double chin)
one end of appendage is stationary, while other rotates
ex. shoulder exercises
L rotation
head and chest turn right
R rotation
head and chest turn left
lift toes up
toes down
endochondral oss. vs intramembranous ossification
endo- cartilage precursor
intra- comes from mesenchyme
endochondral ossification
1- enlarging of chondrocytes for calcification 2- perichondrium formed blood + nerves surr. bone 3- blood vessels penetrate ossificaiton beings 4- medullary cavity is present osteoclasts remove spongy bone 5- secondary ossif. occurs 6- epiphysis's develop 7- bone matures articular cartilage dev.
intramembraneous ossification
1- osteoid tissue turns into mesenchyme 2- calcification of osteoid tissue osteoblast entrapment 3- honeycomb of spongy bone dev. w/ periosteum 4- compact bone surr. spongy bone
sutures of the skull
coronal sagittal squamous lambdoidal occipitomastoid
btw frontal and parietal
btw parietal and midline
squamous portion of temporal bone + parietal bone
btw parietal + occipital
btw occipital bone and mastoid portion of temporal bone
fetal skull features
all fontanels
anterior fontanel
largest fontanel
sphenoidal fontanel
in btw sphenoid, frontal and parietal
posterior fontanel
btw occipital and parietal
mastoid fontanel
btw temporal, occipital + parietal
hyoid bone
in neck
free floating/ u shaped
center divider of nose
2 sm oblong bones
on bridge right btw eyes (where pinch nose if bloody)
forms angles of cheeks
part of lateral walls
forms majority of hard pallette
extension of maxilla (towards back of mouth)
form medial walls of e/ orbit (prt of each eye socket)
lacrimal fossa
depression that houses lacrimal sac
forms upper jaw. meet at median intermaxillary suture (line divides top of mouth)
palatine process
L shape in posterior nasal cavity
infraorbital foramen
hole right below eyes
supports lower teeth
attachmnt for muscles of facial expression
mandibular ramus
holds lower teeth in place
vertical L shapes connected to mandible
condylar process
half circle shapes at the end of mandible
mandibular foramen
node just below condylar process
allows nerve and blood vessels to reach lower teeth
coronoid process
teeth looking outcropping
anterior branch of ramus
mental foramen
on anterior lateral surface of chin
alveolar process
ridges of teeth
anterior cranial bone btw eyes
cribriform plates
forms roof of nasal cavity
crista galli
median blade of cribriform
point for dura mater attachmnt
nasal conchae
2 blades on the left and right of vomer/ perpendicular plate
irregular complex shape w/ lesser and greater wings
sella turcica
central pit of sphenoid
houses pituitary gland
greater wings
extend off each side
optic canal
allows passage of optic nerve + ophthalmic artery
forms rear of skull and majority of base
foramen magnum
opening for spinal cord
occipital condyles
smooth knob where skull rests on vert. column
external protuberance
divot in skull for attachment of nuchal muscle
hypoglossal canal
edge of e/ condyle
lower wall and part of the floor of cranial cavity
zygomatic process
extends anteriorly to form part of cheek and mandibular fossa
external auditory meatus
ear canal
internal auditory meatus
inside hole of ear canal
styloid process
pointed spine inside ear canal
mastoid process
lump behind ear filled w/ ear sinuses
jugular foramen
irregular opening btw temporal and occipital bone
carotid canal
passage for internal carotid artery
cranial roof and walls
forehead, extends to coronal suture
zygomaticus major
raises upper lip for smiling
origin- zygomatic bone
insertion- angle of mouth (fibers of obicularius oris)
compresses cheek into teeth for chewing
origin- maxilla and mandible
insertion- blends w/ muscles of orbicularis oris
orbicularius oris
puckers lips
origin- mandible/maxilla
insertion- lips
levator labii
opens lips
origin- zygomatic bone
insertion- upper lip
orbicularis oculi
closes eye in blinking, squinting and sleep
origin- frontal bone
insertion- lateral ligament on outer edge of eye
raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
origin- occipital/ frontal
insertion- galea aponeurotic
first vertebra, supports head, no body
superior articular facet
concave prt that joins w/ occipital condyle of skull
transverse foramen
holes on either side
second vertebrate that allows rotation, only one w/ dens
prominent knob projects into vertebral foramen of atlas (main hole)
superior articular facet
round bowls on e/ side that point up towards dens
transverse foramen
small holes on side
cervical vertebrae
small oval body
only vertebrate below A1-A2 that has transverse foramen
thoracic vertebrate
T1-T12 four facets medium body LRG spinous process no transverse processes
spinous process
point that extends into skin (oriented down)
superior/inferior costal facet
flat indentations on transverse processes closest to body
point of attachment for head of rib
bony plate that forms posterior part of pelvic girdle
median sacral crest
vertical bumps
posterior sacral foramen
holes on side w/ bumps
superior articular process
two outcroppings on top w/ facets where lumbar vert. attach
tail bone, provides attachment for muscles of pelvic floor
breast bone, connected to ribs w/ cartilage
wider top portion of sternum
shaft of sternum below manubrium and above xiphoid
ixphoid process
bottom of sternum
jugular notch
indentation at the top of the manubrium
sternal angle
line btw manubrium and body
protect lungs
12 pairs
attached to sternum w/ cart.
true ribs
direct attachment
false ribs
no individual cart. attachment
floating ribs
embedded in muscular tissue
no connection
rib head
knob at the end that fuses w/ vertebrae intercostal facets
rib body
rest of bone from tubercle down
facet on rib that attaches to transverse costal facet of vertebrae
costal groove
line marks path of intercostal blood vessels + nerves
on inside
costal cartilage
connects ribs to sternum
allows mvmnt
first sternocostal- structure + mvmnt
structure- cartilaginous
mvmnt- synarthrotic
sternocostal- structure and mvmnt
structure- synovial
mvmnt- diathrotic/ gliding
intervertebral- structure+ mvnt
btw vertebral bodies
structure- cartilaginous
mvmnt- diathrotic/ gliding
intervertebral- structure + mvmnt
btw articular processes
structure- synovial
mvmnt- diathrotic/ gliding
vertebrocostal- structure and mvmnt
structure- synovial
mvmnt- diathrotic/ gliding
sternocleidomastoid- origin, insertion + action
from sternum to mastoid process of skull
origin- manubrium of sternum
insertion- lateral aspect of mastoid process+ superior nuchal line
action- flexes laterally, rotates cervical spine
semispinalis capitis-origin, insertion + action
origin- Transverse processes of C7-T6
insertion- occipital bone
action- rotates neck/ head opposite sides
extension of head/ neck
splenius capitis- origin, insertion + action
origin- Spinous process T1-3, + nuchal ligament
insertion- sup. nuchal line of occip. + mastoid process of temporal bone
action- rotation of head/ neck to same side
extension of head and neck
external intercostal
point up and lateral of sternum
action- elevation of ribs in inhalation
origin- inferior border of rib
insertion- superior border of rib above
internal intercostal
point down and towards sternum
Depression of ribs during forced exhalation
origin- superior border of ribs
insertion- inferior border of rib above
primary muscle of inspiration
origin- costal (ribs 5-10) + costal cartilage
insertion-central tendon
rectus abdominis
flexion of lumbar spine
origin- pubis
insertion- sternum (xiphoid process)
external obliques
outermost layer
contralateral rotation of torso
origin- ribs + costal cart. 5-12
insertion- linea alba
internal oblique
middle layer
compresses abdomen, rotates vertebral column by compression
origin- Ilium chrest
insertion- Linea alba
transerversus abdominis
innermost layer
compresses abdominal content
origin- Ilium chrest
insertion- linea alba
erector spinae group
runs along / over spine
extends and rotates head and spine
origin- longissimus
insertion- spinalis spinous processes
types of bone joints
gap btw bones ossifies and becomes one
comes w/ dev. of age
bound w/ collagen
inc. sutures, gomphosis and syndesmosis
only occur in skull, not highly movable
for stress absorption
secured by ligament
bound w/ LONG collagenous fibers
allows for more mvmnt
cartilage linked
synchondroses and symphyses
bound w/ hyaline
bound w/ fibrocart.
bones covered w/ articular cart.
enhanced joints
endochondral ossification zones-RPHOT
resting zone proliferating zone hypertrophic zone ossification zone trabecular bone