Types of Validity Flashcards
What are the 5 types of validity?
- Internal validity
- Temporal validity
- Ecological validity
- Population validity
- Face validity
- Concurrent validity
What is internal validity?
The extent to which findings are due to the manipulation of the independent variable and not any other uncontrolled variables
What is temporal validity?
The extent to which research findings hold true over time
What is ecological validity?
The extent to which an experimental effect can be generalised from the study to other settings and situations
What is population validity?
The extent to which findings can be generalised from the sample tested to other populations
What is face validity?
The extent to which research looks as though it is doing what it claims to, on the surface level
What is concurrent validity?
The extent to which a new measure compares to a previously validated measure
What are the 3 issues with internal validity?
- Confounding variables
- Demand characteristics
- Investigator/ experimenter effects/ bias
What are confounding variables?
‘Uncontrolled variables’ which, if not removed, will cause the study to have low internal validity
What are demand characteristics?
When an individual acts in a way that they think the researcher may want them to or knowing they’re in an experiment
What are investigator/ experimenter effects/ bias?
When the researcher may be bias within the experiment
What are the issues with ecological validity?
Mundane realism
What is mundane realism?
- Something can be artificial but still feel realistic
- The degree to which the setting, task or procedure reflects that in real life
What are the 7 ways of improving validity?
- Improving concurrent validity
- Single blind technique
- Double blind technique
- Eye ball test by ‘experts’
- Large samples and careful sampling
- Improving temporal validity
- Improving ecological validity
What is improving concurrent validity?
If the new method does not correspond to an established measure then it can be tweaked or refined and then reassessed against the valid measure