TYPES OF SHOCKS !! Flashcards
Hypovolemic Shock
Causes: Dehydrations, bleeding, burns
S/s: increased HR, decreased BP, restless, anxious
Decreased- CO/CVP/PAWP/HgB w/ bleed
Increased- SVR (compensatory)/ Lactate/ NA (hypernatermia)
Treatment: NS fluids ( 3 for 1), blood products
Nursing Care: Hemodynamic monitoring, monitor lung sounds, monitor UO
Cardiogenic Shock
Causes: L ventricular MI, Trauma
S/S: similar to HF, crackles, JVD, increased HR, decreased BP, weak pulses (abrupt !)
Increased- CVP/ PAWP/ SVR
Decreased- CO/SV
Treatment: ionotropics, vasopressors, diuretics, antidysrhythmics, IABP, VAD, ECHMO (last resort)
Nurse Management: limit oxygen demand, contin ECG, BP, CVP, vasopressors, provide comfort, maintaining surveillance for complications
impellla small heart pump
Used if drugs not working to fix shock state, temporary measure to decrease Myocardial workload by improving supply & DECREASE demand. it improves coronary artery perfusion and reduces left ventricular afterload
inflates during diastole, deflates during systole
Ventricular Assist Device
mechanical pump that supports heart function and blood flow in people with a weak heart. takes blood from lower chamber of the heart, helps pumps it to the body to vital organs
Distributive shock: vessel prob: lack tone
Anaphylactic Shock
Causes: antigen/ aggressor
S/S: massive vasodilations + bronchcontriction, rash, laryngeal edema, stridor, wheezing, decreased LOC, N/V/D, decreased BP/CO/CVP/PAWP/SVR, increased HR
Treatment: Remove antigen, Epi, benadryl, corticosteroids, fluids, ionotropes, vasopressor, tylenol
Nursing Care: Monitor BG
IgE mediated
initial contact (primary immune response)
Next time antigen enter body and the IgE antibody reacts (secondary immune response)
Non IgE mediated
Direct reaction of mast cells to release biochemical mediators
Distributive shock: vessel prob: lack tone
Neurogenic Shock
Causes: T6 increases injury, drugs, improper spinal anesthesia
* Parasympathetic system runs unopposed -> loss of sympathetic tone -> inability to tighten up
S/s: bradycardia, hypoTN, hypothermia
Treatment: DVT prophylaxis, fluids ( SBP < 90, UO < 30) , vasopressors (vasocontrict) , atropine, pacemakers, pt warming
parasym remains uncheck, vasodilate no resistance
Distributive shock: vessel prob: lack tone
Septic Shock
Sepsis: Tachycardia, Tachypnea, PaCO2 < 32, temp > 38 < 36
* interventions, successful
Septic Shock: Sepsis w/ hypoTN despite fluid (3rd spacing) resuscitation
* no response to interventions
**Microorganism -> SIRS -> activation of coagulation cascade -> organ death
Diagnostics: Left shift leukocytosis (bandemia), blood cultures ( -> broad spectrum), increased CRP, coag abnormalities, increased Lactase
S/S: increase HF, TEMP, PaCo2 ( first a decrease), decrease BP,LOC, UO, RR (late), SVR, CVP, PAWP
widened pulse pressure, bounding pulse, warm skin, crackles w/ lung infections
Treatment: trend lactate, blood cultures x2, pan cultures, broad anx -> narrow NS fluids, vasopressors (epi drip), maintain CO+ BG
- measure serum lactate
- blood cultures
- broad spectrum ABX
- crystalloid for decrease BP + lactate > 4
- Vasopressors
- Persistent arterial hypotension
* target CVP > 8, CV O2 > 70
- low dose steriods
- glucose control
- resp. management
Obstructive Shock
Causes: cancer/tumor blocking organ blood flow, recent long bone fracture ( fat globules escapes
Risk factors: Cardica Tamponade, Pulmonary Embolism, Pneumothorax