Burns Flashcards
Hypovelmic Shock
Mostly w/ thermal burns
fluid leaves vascular space -> risk for compartment syndrome
Burns more serious for children b/c surface area
* + eldery b/c less elastic skin
Mulit organ failure = big prob w/ electrical burns
Pulmonary inhalation senn w/ chemical burns
Thermal Burns
Flame- ignitions of combustilble material, flash (vapors, gasoline)- explosions especially with combustible, Scalds- hot liquid, steam, **Direct contact with hot objects **
Electrical Burns
high voltage or low
greatest heat is at point of entry
injury greater than it appears- deep tissue necrosis
Chemical Burns
tissue damage contin until agent completely removed or neutralized
pulmonary inhalation
strong acid- ammonia, bleach, cleaners for drain, battery acid
Inhalation Burns
breathe hot air or noxious chemical
need a carboxyhemo level
1) metabolic asphyxiation
2) injury above the glottis
3) injury below the glottis (more serious)
dx with bronchoscopy
Patho of Burn Shock
increase cap permeability ( leak)
Loss of plasma and protein and electrolytes
Increase intersitial fluid
decrease intravascular volume
decrease BP
Upper airway injuries
Supraglottis - from heat or chemicals
Look for facial hair burns, singed nasal hair, erytherma, swelling
brassy cough
facial redness
* 100% humidified O2 w/ mask
peaks at 24-48 hrs post injury
Lower Airway injuries
increased secretions
* intubate ! before airway closes
meticulous pulmonary toilet -> ARDS ( SUCTIONING FREQ)
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
CO inhaled as by product of the combustion
more likely to bind to hemoglobin than O2- hypoxemia is a result
Always suspect enclosed area
**Pulse OX is unreliable **
check carboxyhemoglobin level
**Hyperbaric oxygen **to treat
Classes of Burns
First Degree
superficial thickeness (epidermis)
Redness, mild edema
heals, no scarring
no fluid resusciation necessary
Second Degree
- Partial thickeness (epi, dermis): blister - prevent popping
- Deep partial thickeness( subcutaneous tissue): whote insensate, waxy ( big infections risk -> 3rd degree)
pain management for partial
Third Degree
Full thickness ( all dermis, and subq tissue), affecting subQ tissue
* insensate ( no pain) no nerve ending
* skin graft needed
Also classify wound by size/severity
Lurd + Browder chart, rule of 9’s
(also give guideline for fluid resuscitation)
Fourth Degree
deep full thickeness
all the way to the bone
Parkland Formula
2-4 mL of LR x # kg x % BSA burns
VTBI= 1/2 total in 1st 8hrs, 1/4 total in 2nd 8hrs, 1/4 total in 3r 8 hrs
Calculate from time of injury, not time of admin
ATC pain meds
* + Breakthrough pain coverage (PT, dressing change)
Nurition support
* (increase protein, increase carb)
Montior NV check
if blood flow is lost may need to do emergent bedside fascio
Effects are reversible
remove wet clothes, warm resuscitative IVF, warm blankets
Hypothermia induces diuresis so UO is a good indicators