Types of programming language Flashcards
Programming Paradigm
“The word ‘paradigm’ means to describe an example or pattern. In a Computing context, this means to describe a computational way of doing things. So a Programming Paradigm is a style or way of programming. E.g. Low-Level languages, High-Level languages, Declarative languages are all examples of different programming paradigms.”
Procedural Language
“Any high level language in which program statements can be grouped in self-contained blocks called procedures and functions. These procedures have their own variables, not accessible outside the procedure.”
Assembly Language
“A language which is related very closely to the computer’s own machine code. ”
Machine Code
“Set of all possible instructions made available by the hardware design of a particular processor. Closest to pure binary.”
Low Level Language
“A language which is close to machine code. Related closely to the design of the machine.
A one-to-one language”
High Level Language
“A language designed to help a programmer express a computer program in a way that reflects the problem that is being solved, rather than the details of how the computer will produce the solution.
One-to-many language.”
“Little Man Computer”
“An instructional model of a computer, created by Dr. Stuart Madnick in 1965. The LMC is generally used to teach students, because it models a simple von Neumann architecture computer - which has all of the basic features of a modern computer. It can be programmed in machine code or assembly code”
Immediate Addressing
“This is sometimes called an ‘immediate operand’. It is when the value in the address part of the instruction is the actual value to be used.
It means that the memory does not need to be searched for the value to be used.
In effect, the instruction ADD 10 actually does mean ‘add 10’, not ‘add whatever is in location 10”
Direct Addressing
“Uses the data in the address field without alteration. This is the simplest method of addressing and also the most common.
In effect, the instruction ADD 10 means ‘go and find whatever is in location 10 and add it to the accumulator.”
Indirect Addressing
“Uses the address field to hold the address of a location that contains the required address.
So, ADD 10 means ‘go to 10 in the memory’; in there you will find another address; go to this other address and read the data that you want to use.
This is very useful because it means that the larger addresses in memory can be used to store data.”
Indexed Addressing
“Modifies the address (either a direct or an indirect address) in the address field by the addition of a number held in a special-purpose registers, called an index register, before the address is used. Index registers are quickly and easily altered providing an efficient way of accessing a range of memory locations, such as in an array.”
“Object Orientation”
“Looking at systems by classifying them into real world objects”
“Object Oriented Programming”
“A method of programming which classifies real world objects into classes and encapsulates those objects attributes and behaviours.”
“A type definition of an object”
“An instance of a class.”
Base Class
“Base class contains attributes and methods. It is the highest class and does not inherit from any other class.”
“A class that has been extended by another class. It allows the extending class to inherit its attributes and methods.”
“A class that extends another class. The subclass inherits the methods and attributes of the class it extends.”
Derived Class
“A derived class is any class that inherits attributes and methods from any other derived class or base class.”
“The process of creating an actual named instance of class. The instantiated named copy of the class in an object of that class.”
“A method in a subclass or derived class which has the same name as a method in one or more of its superclass’s. The method supersedes all other versions of the method above it in the inheritance tree.”
“A program routine contained within an object designed to perform a particular task on the data within the object. A method can broadly be thought of as a procedure / function from more traditional procedural programming languages.”
“A single bit of data within an object”
“When a derived class is defined it also has all the attributes and methods of the base class.”
“All of the object’s attributes are contained and hidden in the object and access to them is restricted to operations of that class.”
“Polymorphism, (from the Greek meaning “having multiple forms”) is the characteristic in OO programming of being able to assign a different meaning or usage to something in different contexts - specifically, to allow an object to have more than one form.”