Types Of Injuries Flashcards
Soft tissue injury
Movement outside of normal range(occurs through frequent repetitive exercises)
A sprain is a damaged ligament. One of the most common sprains in sport would be the ankle(occurs during stretching too far)
A strain is a twist/tear or overstretched muscle or tendon
Torn cartilage
Your cartilage is a firm elasric substance which lines adjoining bones(often occurs to wear and tear)
A fracture is a broken bone. There are several types of fractures
Different types of fractures
Stress fracture,compound,inclosed,simple fracture
A dislocation is when a bone at a joint is forced out of its normal place
Abrasions and grazes can be caused by friction of the skin
Abrasions (occur)
Can occur from a tackle from a tackle or just simply falling over
A concussion is an impact to the head which causes unconscious,confusion or memory loss