Types of data and meta-analyses Flashcards
What is meta-analyses?
A form of research method that uses secondary data. Refers to a process in which a number of studies are identified which have investigated the same aims/ hypothesis.
What is effect size?
The name of the number that you get that represents how strong the relationship is between the variables you’ve analysed in a meta-analysis
What is primary data?
Refers to original data that has been directly collected specifically for the purpose of the investigation by the researcher
What is secondary data?
Data that has been collected previously by someone other than the person who is conducting the researcher. Data that already exists before the psychologist begins their research or investigation
Strengths of quantitative data
Simple to analyse and compare
More objective to analyse and less open to bias
Weaknesses of quantitative data
Much narrower in meaning and detail
Not very externally valid
Strengths of qualitative data
Rich in detail
Greater in external validity
Weaknesses of qualitative data
May be difficult to compare and analyse, patterns are hard to identify
Conclusions rely on subjective interpretations of the researcher which may be subject to bias
Strength of meta-analyses
Can create a larger, more varied sample and results can be generalised across much larger populations, increasing validity
Weaknesses of meta analyses
Prone to publication bias, researcher may not select all relevant studies, choosing to leave out those studies with negative or non-significant results
Conclusions will be biased as they only represent some of the relevant data
Strength of primary data
Authentic data obtained from the participants themselves for the purpose of a particular investigation
Weaknesses of primary data
Requires time and effort on the part of the researcher
Considerable planning, preparation and resources needed
Strengths of secondary data
Inexpensive and easily accessible with minimal effort
May find data already exists so doesn’t need to use primary data
Weaknesses of secondary data
Variation in the quality and accuracy of secondary data
Validity may vary