Types of Aid Flashcards
Aid is assitnace provided to individuals, communities or countries to relieve stress during times of crisis (both man made and natural) or to assist long term sustainable devlopments
Emergency Aid
Refres to the rapid aid given to people or countries in immediate doistress to relieve suffering during and after man-made mergencies such as wars and natural disasters such as flood, tsunai or earthquake
Can also be known as humanitarian aid, it is desiged to be short term and focused on keeping people alive
Bilateral Aid
Bilateral aid is the provision of aid from the gernemnt of one country to the governemnt of another country. An example is when Australia provides aid to East Timor
Programs may range form small community based projects such as immunisation programs, to large regional devopment schemes such as the provision of water treatment plan. Often focuses on the devlopment of infrasturcure such as roads, bridges and schools
Multilateral Aid
Multilaterial aid is where aid is provided through an international organisation, such as the World Bank, United Nations or World Health Organisation. it combines donations from a number of countries and then disributs them to the recipients
Non-Government Aid
Non-governments organisations also provide aid, often for specific projects or programmes, for example a non-government organisation providing aid to establish safe water supplies to a community or to educate about the prevention of HIV transmission. Non-government organisation aid can not be classified according to the categories identified in the key knowledge, therefore it can be identified as a type of aid in its own right
Non-government organisations provide aid directly to the communities in which they are working in developing countries. This aid usually supports projects that focus on community development and participation. These organisations are voluntary or not for profit and money to support is generally provided by public donations and fundraising events