Type of personality _دعقيل الصباغ Flashcards
Schizoid personality disorder
1- Neither desire nor enjoy close relation ship
2- Almost always chooses solitary activities
3- Has little , interest in having sexual experience will another person
4 -Take pleasure in few activities
5- Lack close friends or confidant other than first degree relatives
6-Show emotional coldness detachment
1- Idea of reference
2- Odd beliefs or magical thinking
superstiousness , belief in telepathy , or sixth sense
3- Unusual perceptual experience including bodily illusions
4- Suspicious or paranoid ideation
5- Behavior or appearance is odd
6- lack of close friend
1- failure to conform to social standard ,repeatedly performing
acts that are grounds for arrest . Not learn from experience
2- Impulsivity or failure to plane ahead
3- Irritability and aggressiveness
4- Irresponsibility failure to sustain consistent work
5- Self mutilation
6- Drug or subst. abuse
1-Uncomfortable in situation in which he or she is not the center of attention
2- sexual frigidity
3- Rapid shifting and shallow expression of emotions
4- Use physical appearance to draw attention to self
5- Self dramatization
6-Superfice relationship with other
Easily influence by other Suggestible
1- Has grandiose sense of self importance and preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success , power , brilliance , beauty or ideal love
2- Believes that he or she is special and unique and can only understood by other special or high status people
3- Require excessive admiration become self esteem is very fragile
4-Lack empathy : is un willing to recognize or identify with feeling and needs of other
5- Believe that other are envious of him
Borderline Personality
1- Before called borderline between psychosis and neurosis or borderline schizophrenia .
1- Unstable intense interpersonal relationship.
2- Identity disturbance
4- Recurrent suicidal behavior or self mutilation
5-Inapproperiate intense anger
6- Transient , stress- related paranoid ideation
1- He is timid and shyer
2-He want to have friend but avoid social contact because fear of rejection
3-Low self esteem
4- Avoid occupational activities to avoid criticism
5-Unwillingness to become involved with people
6-preoccupation with worry about being rejected
7- Belief he is socially inferior
8- Social phobia and agoraphobia
Dependent personality
1- Inability to make day decisions
2-Need for other to assume responsibility
3-Defficulty in initiating project
4- Feeling discomfort or helplessness when alone
5- Urgent seeking of another relationship
6- Children with separation anxiety or physical illness more prone to it
The parent of a 26 –year old woman say that they are concerned about her because she has no friend and spends most of her time working on her computer she is sensitive and easily become anger
A 30 year old patient exhibits odd beliefs and magical thinking with paranoid ideation
Schizotypal personality
A 32- year old female has difficulty expressing disagreement with others because of fear of loss of support
A 25 old women begin to see therapist because of loneliness and feeling of being unloved and unwanted .She feels also sexual frigidity and no genuine in relation with other n
35 – year old male has unstable intense personal relationships with affective instability and impulsivity
Self –mutilation is most common in which one of the following personality disorder ?
a. Borderline
b. Narcissistic
c. Histrionic
d. Dependent
e. Schizoid
border line
Which one of the following disorders is least associated with violent behavior ?
a. Borderline
b. Histrionic
c. Narcissistic
d. Dependent
e. Antisocial