Genetic basis of behavior _ د.عباس Flashcards
how many perspectives in the study of psychology ?
-six perspectives in the study of psychology
Each perspective provide a ————————— and focus on ———————-
Each perspective provide a different conception of human nature and focus on different cuases of behavior
what’re the six perspectives?
1- The biological perspective 2-The cognative perspective 3-The behavioral perspective 4-The psychodynamic perspective 5-The humanistic perspective 6-The socio-cultural perspective
The biological perspective
View human as :
complex animals
and focus on:
genetic and physiological influances on behavior
in which mental events are seen as the outcome of physiological processes.
according the the biological perspective mental events are seen as the outcome of what ?
mental events are seen as the outcome of physiological processes and genetic
The cognative perspective
Views humans:
as rational information processor and problem solvers whose higher mental processes allow them to think, judge, imagine and plan
عقلاني, منطقيrational
The behavioral perspective
the role of external environment and learning in behavior
scientist :
Watson and Skinner felt that control of the environment was the key to bringing about positive social and personal changes
The psychodynamic perspective
role of unconscious impulses, internal needs, conflicts and defence mechanisms in shaping of behavior.
scientist :
The humanistic perspective
believe :
role of self-actualization, freedom, and choice on behavior.
The socio-cultural perspective
believe :
role of social factors, values, beliefs, traditions cultural learning on behavior.
which perspective deals with the role unconscious mind ?
The psychodynamic perspective
Freud emphasize the role of unconscious impulses, internal needs, conflicts and defence mechanisms in shaping of behavior
which perspective deals with the role self-actualization and the freedom?
The humanistic perspective
Emphasize the role of self-actualization, freedom, and choice on behavior
which perspective deals with the role environment ?
The behavioral perspective
Behaviorists emphasize the role of external environment and learning in behavior.
Watson and Skinner felt that control of the environment was the key to bringing about positive social and personal changes
which perspective deals with the role traditions ?
The socio-cultural perspective
Emphasize the role of social factors, values, beliefs, traditions cultural learning on behavior
which perspective deals with the idea that human as problem solver ?
The cognative perspective
Views humans as rational information processor and problem solvers whose higher mental processes allow them to think, judge, imagine and plan.
which perspective deals with the role of the genetic and physiological processes?
The biological perspective
View human as complex animals and focus on genetic and physiological influances on behavior, in which mental events are seen as the outcome of physiological processes.
———— combines with —————–to determine our behavior
Genetic endowment combines with environmental factors to determine our behavior
-favorable or unfavorable environmental conditions can affect the geneticaly inherited potential of an organism
Genotype is
Genotype is specific genetic make up of the individual ,e.g Klinefelter syndrome genotype are XXXY,XXYY,XXXXY,XXY
Phenotype are
Phenotype are the observable characteristics of individual produced by that genetic endowment.
Heritability is
Heritability is proportion of variance attributable to genetic effects.
heritability coefficient means
heritability coefficient means :
The extent to which the degree of variation among a group of people in particular characteristic can be attributed to genetic factors
It applied :
only to differences within groups not to the contribution of genetic factors to any individual within that group
what’re Behavior genetic techniques to estimate the heritability coefficient ?
A-Epidemiological studies
B-The molecular genetic studies