TX Real Property Flashcards
the CL of property and the TX Tenant and Landlord Act applies. buyers, sellers, owners and renters each have rights, responsibilities and duties under the law. restraints on alienation, destruction of property value, and uncertainty of ownership are disfavored.
Tenants Remedies
- move out or terminate the lease
- make repairs and deduct
- remain in possession, pay full and seek damages
Rights and Duties b/t CO-Tenants
- accounting
- contributions
- mortgage
- partition
- convey
Landlords Duties
- deliver possession of premises
- comply w/ implied covenant of quiet enjoyment
- NO implied warranty of habitability
- NO duty to repair/maintain
Rights and Duties of Life Tenant
- maintain estate
- pay rent
- pay taxes and interest on mortgage
Landlord Remedies
- right to terminate
- bring suit for rent due
- evict under TX unlawful detainer
- retake or re-rent property if T abandons it
Rights of Tenants In Common (Co-Tenants)
- TIC default
- right to partition
- no right of survivorship
- each entitled to possess the whole
- only unity required
- inheritable, alienable, deviseable
What is an Assignment
- occurs when tenant transfers complete tenancy in a lease to another party
What is Joint Tenancy with Right of Survivorship
- no CL JT, but RoS can be had by a K
- exact JTWRS language + 4 unities
- unities must all vest at same time are:
a) time
b) title (same instrument)
c) identical interest
d) possession (equal possession)
What is an Easement
- an interest in land
- that grants someone a right
- to use land the land of another
What is a Restrictive Covenant
- holder has right to restrict 3P
- in use of 3P’s land
- covenants running w/ land & equitable servitude
Req for Rural Homestead
- 200 acres for family
- 100 acres for a single
- doesn’t have to be contiguous
Req for Urban Homestead
- 10 acres for single or family
- must be contiguous
- municipality police, fire, electric, sewer, gas, water, one of these 4
Req of Non-Judicial Foreclosure
- notice of default
- time to cure is 20 days
- notice of sale next ? if not cured in 21 days
- notice of sale gives time and date
- notice courthouse, filed w/ clerk website or both
- to all debtors by certified mail
- on the first tuesday of the month from 10 am - 4 pm
Non-Judicial Foreclosure Procedure (Deed of Trust)?
- notice at least 21?
- posting written notice
- county where property is located
- file copy of notice w/ county clerk
- snd notice to debtor by certified mail
- contact info for trustee
- time and place of sale
- county courthouse where property is located
- b/t 10 am - 4 pm
- debtor has until sale to cure
Req for Mechanics and Materialmen’s Lien?
- file affidavit
- county clerk where property located
- 15th day of 4th mother after debt (3rd mo for residents)
- list amount of claim/names/address/work
- legal description of property
- copy sent to owner 5 days
Req for Covenant to Run w/ Land
- privity
- intent
- notice
- touch and concern
- benefit/vertical privity?
Security Interest Types
- mortgage
- deed of trust
- installment land K
Consequences of Having Mortgage or Deed of Trust?
- equity of redemption
- statuary redemption
- foreclosure by public auction sale
- multiple mortgages, first in time first in right
- foreclosure wipes out junior interest
- foreclosure proceeds priority:
a) cost of foreclosure sale
b) principal + interest of foreclosure mortgage, junior mortgage
c) remainder to mortgagor - mortgagee sue debtor
Limitation Periods
- color of title & narrow defects: 3 yr
- cultivates/uses property + pays taxes + claims under registered deed : 5 yrs
- bar possession w/ no color of title: 10 yrs
- color of title + paid taxes + true owner under disability: 25 yrs
How Easement is Created
- express grant or reservation
- implication
- prescription
How is Equitable Servitude Created
- intent
2. touch and concern
Req for Marketable Title
- proof of title
- title free of encumbrances
- valid title on closing day
Deed Reqs
- be properly executed
- writing, signed by grantor
- validly delivered + accepted
- grantor relinquish dominion/control over deed w/ intent to convey
Req for Adverse Title
- hostile
- exclusive
- lasting (TX SOL)
- uninterrupted
- visible
- actual possession go land
Types of Covenants of Title
- quitclaim deed
- general warranty deed
- special warranty deed
Easement Termination Types
- prescription
- valid release
- estoppel
- merger
- abandonment
- end of necessity
When Deed can be Recorded
- when signed and notarized or
2. when signed by 2 witnesses
Tenants Duties
- pay rent
- keep premises in good repair
- can’t damage premises
K of Sale Req
- writing per SoF
- adequate description of land
- names of buyer/seller
- signature of party to be charged
- purchase price
- exception to SoF: TX recognizes doctrine of part performance: oral K is valid if no ambiguities and acts show existence of K
What Effects Adverse Possession
- leasing to another
- tacking no gaps
- owner under disability