Trust Flashcards
TX Trust Code applies to all trust in TX except to the extent the trustees powers are expanded or limited by the settlor, gives broad fiduciary powers to the trustee.
Spendthrift Trust Def
- protects Bs from creditors
- prohibits voluntary/involuntary assignment
3) full effect in TX
4) except Ks for necessities, child suppler, interest by settlor, fed’l tax liens
5) must expressly state CT
Jurisdiction and Venue over Trust Dispute
1) DC & probate acts have concurrent jurisdiction for inter vivos
2) probate its have exclusive juris over testamentary trust
3) residence of T or multi Ts then the situs of the trust
Limitations on a Trustee
1) can’t borrow funds
2) use trust funds as collateral for personal loan
3) buy/sell assets to itself
4) loan funds ti trust
5) profs from serving as T
6) breach fiduciary duties
Trustees Powers
1) trust code gives broad fiduciary powers
2) they can do whatever the question ask them to do
3) anything a fee simple owner can do
Req of a Trustee
1) legal capacity to deal w/ property
2) capacity to contrast and execute deeds
How a Trustees Investment Performance Measured
1) Uniform Prudent Investor Act
2) time investment was made
3) UPIA based on Modern Portfolio Theory
4) looks to total return
5) maintain investment strategy
6) adjustment powers
7) allocate capital gains
When Ct Can Terminate Trust Early
1) petition from T or B
2) provisions fulfilled
3) becomes illegal
4) impossible to fulfill
5) changed circs
6) compliance would defeat or substantially impair purpose of trust
When B Can Bring Action Against 3P that Injured Trust
1) T unwilling/unable
2) T participated
If Multi Ts, How Can One Protect Himself
1) don’t participate
2) dissent in writing
Powers Trustee has After Trust Terminated
1) wind up
2) distribute proceeds to Bs
Honorary Trust Def
1) benefits things that are not ppl
2) upheld if it performs
3) if it fails, then its a resulting trust
4) subject to RAP, 21 yrs
Constructive Trust Def
1) not a trust
2) actually an equitable remedy
3) wrongful conduct
4) unjust enrichment
How Trustee Resigns
1) gets ct approval
2) show no longer appropriate to serve
3) provides an accounting
Charitable Trust Req
1) list same req for a regular trust
2) for charitable purposes
3) substantial amount of social benefit
4) cannot benefit on individual or just a small group of ppl
Req for Valid Oral Trust
1) must be solely personal property
2) same req as a regular trust
3) trustee is 3P
When Does COA Begin Against Trustee & What is Limitation Period
1) w/in 4 yrs of T repudiation
2) T dying
3) resigning
4) after accounting full disclosure
Trust Req
1) settlor has legal capacity
2) delivers
3) res (property)
4) to trustee
5) for benefit of Bs
6) w/ internet
7) for lawful purpose
8) usually in writing
Result of Trustee Breaching Fiduciary Duty
1) action to remove
2) B can ratify transaction
3) sue for resulting loss/surcharge suit
4) no further inquiry rule