two-way anova Flashcards
Definition of Two-way anova
A two way anova investigates two factors (independent variables) at the same time.
What statical test do you get when you carry out a 2 way anova?
- main effects for each factor as main effect is the effect an independent variable has on the dependent variable so in a 2-way anova you get 2 main effects.
- Interaction which means does the effect of one independent variable depend on the other independent variable.
- you also get a profile plot in a 2-way anova which shows the interaction.
- simple main effects which is the effect of one factor on the level of another factor.
What does 2*2 anova mean?
2*2 anova means it had 2 factors/independent variables. Each factor has two levels so each factor has two groups/conditions.
Definition of a main effect.
Main effect is a statical test you get in anova. Main effect is for each independent variable. Main effect means the effect of the independent variable has on the dependent variable.
Definition of interaction.
Interaction is a statical test in anova. Interaction means does the effect of the factor depend on the other factor. So interaction is the combined effect of the factors on the dependent variable.
What does it mean if there is a non-significant interaction?
non significant interaction means that the effect of one independent variable does not depend on the other independent variable. It means there is no combined effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable.
What are the different types of a two-way anova?
The different types of a two-way anova is:
- between subjects anova = each condition has different participants.
- within subjects anova = each condition uses the same participants.
- mixed subjects anova = one factor is a between subject design and the other factor is a within subject design.
Is there a graph in a two way or higher anova?
There is a profile plot to show the interaction between two factors in a two way anova or higher.
How do you carry out a two way mixed anova on SPSS?
To carry out a two way mixed anova you press:
- analyse, general linear model, repeated measures.
How do you report the main effects and interaction and simple main effects?
In a factorial anova, you report the main effects first then the interaction then simple main effects.
How do you write about a two-way mixed anova?
The dependent variable was subject to a two-way mixed subjects Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with factor 1 (levels) as the between subjects factor and factor 2 (levels) as the within subjects factor. There was a significant main effect of factor 1, F(12, 33) = 0.98 p= 0.03
and a significant main effect of factor 2, F(1, 33) = 0.22 P = 0.04. There was a significant interaction between factor 1 and factor 2, F (1, 22) = 0.03 P = 0.03. there was a significant simple main effect, t(7) = 0.5 p = 0.03.
Definition of a mixed subjects anova
Mixed subjects anova is when there is one between subjects factor and one within subjects factor.
How do you carry out a two way between subjects anova on SPSS?
to carry out a between subjects two way anova you press analyse, general linear model and univariate.
How do you carry out a two-way within subject anova on SPSS?
To carry out a within subjects anova on spss, you press analyse, general linear model and repeated measures.
Simple main effects
Simple main effects is the effect of one factor on the level of another factor. so simple main effect is the effect of factor on level of another factor,
What does it mean if lines are parallel in a profile plot?
If lines are parallel in a profile plot it means there is no interaction between the factors. So the effect of one factor does not depend on the other factor. If the lines in a profile plot are not parallel it means there is an interaction between the factors. so this means the effect of one factor depends on the other factor.
What are the 3 statical test in anova?
Main effect, the effect of one factor on the depdendet variable.
interaction, the combined effect of factors on the dependent variable. so does the effect of one factor dependent on the other factor.
simple main effects, which is the effect of a factor on the level of another factor.
How do you report simple main effect?
You report simple main effect so the effect a factor has on the level of another factor. You report simple main effect after you have reported main effects and the interaction. simple main effect is a t-test.
How would you write simple main effect?
t(17) = 3.2, p = 0.02. You report 1 degree of freedom in a t-test. In a t-test you report the t value and the p value.