Questionnaire Flashcards
What are different types of questions?
the different types of questions in a questionnaire is closed questions and open questions.
Closed question = answer must be selected from a limited number of different options.
Open question = requires a full answer, cannot be a yes or no answer and cannot be answered from a limited number of different options.
Definition of open question.
Open questions require a full answer and can not be a yes or no answer or from a limited number of different options. Open questions are good because they offer flexibility but they are hard to score.
Definition of closed question.
Closed question is when your answer can only be a limited number of different options.
Why is open questions good?
Open questions are good because they offer great flexibility. But open questions are hard to score.
Why is open questions bad?
Open questions are bad because they are hard to score.
Why is closed questions good?
Closed questions are good because they are answered quickly and are easy to score. But closed questions are bad because they may not accurately reflect a person’s opinions.
Why is closed questions bad?
Closed questions have advantages like that they are answered quickly, easy to score and can be used for comparisons. However closed questions are bad because they may not accurately reflect a person’s true opinions.
Definition of reliability.
Reliability refers to the consistency of an instrument or test,
Definition of internal reliability
Internal reliability measures the consistency of the test itself so the questions/items.
Definition of categorical response.
Categorical response is like yes or no.
Definition of likert response
Likert response is ordinal or ranking response.
What does VAS stand for?
VAS stands for visual analogue scale, it is a type of response type.
Definition of validity
Validity is the extent to which your test measures what it is designed to measure.
Definition of content validity.
Content validity = does the items in the test measure what it is designed to measure.
Definition of state.
State is temporary.