twin studies Flashcards
develops from same egg
100% the same
fraternal - non identical - two babies who share the same womb but develop from two separate eggs
how can twin studies help
show specific nature nurture effects
evaluation of twin studies
small sample groups
twin studies do not all use the same diagnostic criteria - therefore different diagnosis will produce different concordance rate
concordance rate can also be calculated differently depending on the method used - questions the reliability of such studies
Gottesmann and Shields used very stringent tests. questioned parents, personality tests, blood tests
aim of Gottesman and Shields
investigate the relative importance of genetic and environmental influences on s1 by comparing MZ and DZ twins
procedure of gottesman and shields
data collected from mental hospital. 57 twin pairs aged between 19-64 years old.
- case histories based on a self report questionnaire and interview with the twins and their parents to provide a verbal behaviour
a personality test
a test used to measure disordered thinking conducted on twins and parents
results of gottesmann and shields
grade 1 = both client and twin had s1
grade 2 = both had been hospitalised but for different diagnosis
grade 3 = the co twin has some psychiatric abnormality
grade 4 = one is normal
1 = MZ 42% DZ 9% 2= MZ 12% DZ 9% 3= MZ 25% DZ 27% 4= MZ 21% DZ 55%
conclusion of gottesman and shields
nature -> - genes appear to play an important role in s1 because the concordance rate in higher in MZ twins than DZ twins - some evidence to suggest a set of genes are responsible but not one in particular.
nurture -> environmental factors must also be important. the diathesis-stress model for s1 which is in part triggered from the environment. it could be that particular genes lower the threshold for coping with stress
evaluation - strengths
- results are supported by other studies which have produced similar findings, such as Gottesmann in a 1991 meta analysis combining 40 studies spanning 60 years.
- sample was carefully controlled using multiple measures to make sure that twins were correctly allocated either MZ or DZ
- a lot of data was gathered using multiple research methods increasing internal reliability
- the MZ and DZ twins shared the same environment meaning that these factors could be discounted. as the study was investigating a genetic basis for s1, this increases validity
- the study replicates other studies and the results are supported by those studies, which mean they are likely to be reliable
- the study addresses criticisms of previous studies by detailing the sampling carefully, so it was understood which twins were included
evaluation - weaknesses
- MZ may be treated more alike than DZ twins as they are identical and the same gender - environmental factors may not be ruled out
- concordance rate shows some genetic link, but it fails to give any other explanations for s1
- researcher points out a concordance rate simply notes whether the other has it too. useful to have info about degree of abnormality
- only shows a relationship does not demonstrate cause and effect