Tutorial 8 - Time Series Flashcards
What is stationarity?
Stationarity means that the statistical properties of a time series process (such as mean, variance, covariance) do not change systematically over time.
How does stationarity relate to OLS?
- It plays an important role for consistency of the OLS estimator. Therefore we are interested in testing whether variables are stationary.
- If we find evidence that a variable is nonstationary, we have to transform it in a way that it becomes stationary before we can use it in an OLS regression.
What are the requirements for a time series yt to be weakly stationary?
- The last criterion implies that e.g. the correlation of y3 and y5 is the same as the correlation between y10 and y12 (only the absolute distance matters, not the starting position).
- We can also state that the Cov(y; yt+h) depends only on h, not on t.
What are the requirements for a time series yt to be strictly stationary?
- if, for any collection of time indices t1, …, tn, the joint distribution of yt1, …, ytn is the same as the joint distribution of yt1+h, …, ytn+h.
- This assumption is stronger than weak stationarity because it makes a statement about the whole distribution of yt, not just the first/second moments (mean/variance/covariance).
- If yt is strictly stationary and has a nite second moment (E(yt2) < ∞), yt is also weakly stationary. The converse does not hold in general.
What are the properties of White Noise?
A series t is called White Noise if
- E(ϵt) = 0,
- Var(ϵt) = σ2, and
- Cov(ϵt, ϵs) = 0 for all s ≠ t
The ϵt are i.i.d.
Obviously, this process is weakly stationary and we write:
What is a deterministic time trend?
- is NOT stationary, because E(yt) = βt (the mean depends systematically on time).
- Var(yt) = σ2 and Cov(yt, yt+h) = 0.
How can you deal with a deterministic time trend?
- “de-trending” the time series (removing the average time trend) makes it stationary:
- yt − avgy = βt + ϵt - βt = ϵt
- as the remainder, ϵt , is stationary by construction (White Noise).
- In practise, we can either perform the detrending by hand or simply control for the time trend in the regression. (remember Frisch-Waugh theorem!!!)
What is a Stochastic time trend (“Random Walk”)?
- The current value is the past value plus a random shock in the current period.
- A random walk is nonstationary.
How can you see that the stochastic time trend (random walk) is nonstationary?
- We can write the series as the starting value y0 plus the history of all previous shocks up to the present period t:
- yt = y0 + ϵ1 + ϵ2 + … + ϵt
- Then, for the mean we have (note that the ϵt have mean zero):
- E(yt) = E(y0)
- Variance [Var(y0) = 0] & Covariance see below