Tutorial 1 Flashcards
Before Pasteur and Kick announced certain of their discoveries, no one was able to describe the chain of infection of disease because there was no evidence for?
Microbiologic agents
Which one of the following does belong to basic classes of agents?
- bacteria and virus
- pesticides and other chemicals
- vibration and temperatures
- fungi
- psychological factors
-psychological factors
Which of the following is false
- bacteria in the environment usually grow and multiply
- some metazoan have extra-host developmental states
- viruses are usually transmitted indirectly
-viruses are usually transmitted
Define what the capacity of an infectious agent to cause disease in a susceptible host is termed
Which one of the following is not a reservoir for infectious agents
- humans
- animals
- soil
- air
- water
Define a carrier for animals
They is an absence of the clinical disease but can be a source of infection
Which portal of ext is the most important and difficult to control
respiratory system
How is tuberculosis transmitted?
the agent is transmitted directly by droplet spread and indirectly by inanimate means
Which one of the following modes of transmission is direct
- vectorborne
- vechileborne
- droplet spread
- fomites
- droplet nuclei
droplet spread
Which one of the following is not a factor of resistance to infection? the gastric acid the cilia in respiratory tract the cough reflex antitoxins mucous membranes
When is susceptibility to infection increased?
preexisting ill health
artificial depressed immunologic response mechanism
Toxoid cause what kind of immunity
Artificial active
Passage of maternal ab ->foetus causes what immunity?
natural passive
Immune serum globulin cause which kind of immunity
artificial passive
An infection cause what kind of immunity
natural active
An antitoxin confers which kind of immunity
artificial passive
The admin of convalescent serum cause which kind of immunity?
artificial passive
What factors affect the risk of getting an infection from a contaminated object or vehicle?
the presence of a good reservoir
The importance of morbidity reports is that they :
help to discover the source of infection
help to establish endemic levels
help to discover addition unreported cases
help to evaluate process in disease control
all of above
all of above