TUTES Flashcards
Trend of obesity over last three decades and now
Prevalence has increased dramatically during past 3 decades but appears to be levelling off in recent years
…% overweight
…% mild obesity
…% moderate to severe obesity
40% overweight
20% mild
10% severe
Mental health relationship with obesity?
Little or no association with mental health impairment besides mediating factors:
BD, Eating Disorder Behaviours and poor physical health, which are also far more likely for moderate-severe obesity
includes eating disorders and sub-clinical variants of these (binge eating disorder, anorexia, bulima, enos (eating disorders not otherwise specified). )
Prevalance of eating disorder behaviours
…% women and….% men but numbers increasing for both
10 fem 5 male (likely undereported)
Also association with mental health impairment, particularly symptoms of anxiety and depression
Common in women (“normative discontent”) and, increasingly, men
Perceptual problem.
Strong association with mental health impairment
Prevalence of BD/EDB higher in obese people than in normal weight ppl. T or F?
BD and EDB predict weight gain (not to mention low self-esteem, depression, and poor mental health more generally). T or F?
Most common type of eating disorder?
binge eating disorder (typically obese)
Psychological WHS?
The result of workplace related stress that becomes overwhelming for employees. Impacts: • Physiological • Psychological • Attitudes •Workplace Performance
presenteeism (early sign of psychological injury in work)
the practice of being present at one’s place of work for more hours than is required, especially as a manifestation of insecurity about one’s job.
In 2006, assault was the ……. most common type
of injury causing death for Australian children aged 0-14 years.
third most common
VERY COMMON) children now exposed to dv is called child abuse
In 2007-2008, ….. notifications to Australian child protection authorities. Only …….. were confirmed/proved (substantiated by authorities).
300 000
only 55 000
(numbers have declined somewhat but are still bad)
In 2012, …. in ….. women and … in …. men had experienced physical or sexual violence from a current or former partner.
1 in 6 women (later re analysed to 1 in 4)
1 in 20 men
…. in …. women had experienced emotional abuse from
a current or former partner.
….in ….. women had experienced sexual violence.
• 1 in 4 women had experienced emotional abuse from
a current or former partner.
• 1 in 5 women had experienced sexual violence.
Young women (aged 18 – 25) …… as likely to experience physical or sexual violence; possibly up to ….. times more likely for young women aged 14 – 19
ATSI women ….. as likely to experience DV and …..x as likely to be hospitalised due to family violence.
35 x
Australian police deal with a domestic violence matter every ….. minutes (…. matters on average every day of the year). Overall, the count is approximately……….. per year in Australia
2 mins
650 matters every day
240 000 per year in aust
The economic cost alone for family violence in Australia is estimated at $………. per annum. Personal and social cot is $……..
$13.6 BILLION per annum
haha incalulcable
In Australia, at least one woman a week is killed by a partner or former partner. Intimate partner violence contributes to more death, disability and illness in women aged …. to …. than any other preventable risk factor.
15 to 44
single largest driver of homelessness for women ?
Domestic or family violence.
DV is the main driver for ….% of women with children presenting to specialist homelessness services
• Over ….. separated mothers report emotional
and/or physical abuse
• Over ….. separated fathers report emotional
and/or physical abuse
• Following separation, ….. of parents report safety
concerns related to ongoing contact with the other parent
2/3rds separated mothers
1/2 separated fathers
1/5 of parents report safety concerns after separating.
List and describe four types of reflection
technical/analytical, personal, critical experience, creative
Creative = art, laughter (not written types).
Describe the three levels of reflection
Superficial (non-reflector)
(largely descriptive, mentions theories for evidence, but no comment on them).
Medium (reflector)
(some personal, feelings, what theyve learnt, future action).
Deep (critical reflector)
(experience created a CHANGE in person, shift in thinking, relevance of multiple contexts, integration, some personal.
…. million people are addicted to drugs or alcohol worldwide
…. have consumed 11+ standard drinks on a single drinking occasion in the past 12 month
Males ……. as likely to exceed the lifetime risk levels (… % vs ….%)
26% vs 10%
Males in their late ….’s and late …..’s and 18-24yr old females are most likely to drink at risky levels
males late 40’s and 20’s
…. million people have been physically assaulted by a person under the influence of alcohol in past 12 months
1.7 million
Ecstasy, heroin and GHB have all decreased but misuse of……. have significantly increased
……% people have been victims of an illicit drug related incident (~….. million people)
8 percent
1.8 million
In 2011-2012, 659 agencies provided …….. episodes of treatment
150 000
Almost all were clients receiving help for their own drug use (……) and ….% were male clients
and 68% were males
….% of clients reported more than one drug of concern. (if you take one drug, likely to take another)
Counseling was main form of treatment (..%), followed by withdrawal management (….%), and then assessment only (….%)
50% counselling
18% withdrawal management
14% assessment only
Almost all treatment agencies (….%) are in major cities with only ……% in remote or very remote areas.
only 10% in remote