Tutankhamen -1 Flashcards
How many bones are in the skull?
22 Total
8 cranium
14 facial
Purely endochondral bone
SHE II Stapes Hyoid Ethmoid Incus Inferior concha
which bones are mixed?
MOST are Mixed Maleus Occipital Sphenoid Temporal Mandible
Unpaired bones of skull
Semilunar ganglion is also known as..
Trigeminal, Gasserian, Gasser’s ganglion
Trigeminal n. originates from the…
Smallest bone in the human body
Stapes is derived from which brachial arch?
2nd (aka Reicherts cartilage; also gives rise to CN VII, muscles of facial expression, stapedius, stylohyoid ligament, styloid process, and posterior belly of diagastric muscles
What passes through the foramen ovale?
V3, Accessory meningeal artery, emissary vein)
Syndesmosis vs synchodrosis
Syndesmosis= suture united by ligaments
Synchondrosis=hyaline cartilage
Bones of Orbit
Floor =
Medial =
Z Pretty MELFS Zygomatic Palatine Maxilla Ethmoid Lacrimal Frontal Sphenoid
Floor = ZPM Medial = MEL
What is the difference btwn frontal resorption vs undermining resorption? Which one is desired?
Frontal- lighter force, desired
Undermining- heavy, causes hyalinization of PDL
What is transitional bone?
resulting bone after tooth has been moved to another place
What is the process of bone formation?
Why Charkas Love Boys
What is another name for cancellous bone?
What is the difference btwen primary and secondary osteon?
Secondary- (aka lamellar bone) contains more vessels; formed by remodeling of existing bone
primary (aka composite) less vessels
Cartilage grows by what process?
Interstitial or appositional
Growth site vs Growth center
Growth Center- independent genetic control growth
Growth sites- where growth occurs
When does intersphenoid synchondrosis fuse?
at birth
When does anterior and posterior occipital synchondrosis fuse?
3-5 years
When does Spheno-ethmoidal synchondrosis fuse?
start 7-8 years
When does spheno-occipital synchodrosis fuse?
starts at 15 and finishes at 20
Lesser cornu of hyoid bone is derived from which brachial arch?
2nd (Greater cornu is from 3rd)
Mandibular symphysis fuses at what age?
6-9 months of age
What genes are related to Marfans syndrome?
Genes of Non-syndromic tooth agenesis?
MSX-1 and PAX9 (3rd olars)
Genes of Treacher-Collins syndrome?
Genes of Turners syndrome?
Genes of Dentinogenesis Imprefecta?
What is the last bone to complete growth
Tongue reaches adult size at what age?
8 yrs
Maximum width of skull (cranial vault) at what age?
7 yrs
Nasal bone completes growth at what age?
10 yrs
What is Enlow’s V principle?
Complex bones maintain characteristic shape by bone deposition inside the “V” and resorption outside the “V”
What is the first system to form in embryo?
…Tissue regresses as … tissue develops
Lymphoid; Genital
Skeletal tissue is inversely proportional to the … curve
50% of female growth is completed at age?
Arch length and perimeter increases or decreases from primary to permanent dentition?
What are Bjork’s 7 signs of mandibular rotation
- inclination of condylar head
- curvature of mandibular canal (vertical grower -? more curved lower border)
- Shape of mandibular border (antigonial notching)
- Symphysis inclination (vertical grower -> more prominent chin)
- Interincisal angle
- Interpremolar and intermolar angles
- Lower anterior facial heights
Growth finishes in what order?
Transverse- AP - Vertical
What is the most common salivary gland tumor?
Pleomorphic Adenoma
What is the range of wavelength for curing light?
430-480 nm
What photoinitiator is used in adhesive?
What is the most common odontogenic tumor?
It seems Ameloblastoma is correct
What is the most common cephalometic error?
Difficulty in locating landmarks
What force can be placed immediately on TADs?
100-200 g (300 or more will result in failure)
Best achorage device?
Best vertical control device?
Anchorage = TAD Vertical = HG
Agenesis of tooth occurence order?
3rd molars> md. 2nd premolars> mx. lateral incisors
What is the limit of a SARPE expansion?
Zygomatric buttress
Concentration of NaF in mouthwash recommended?
Geographic tongue is associated with what conditions?
Fissured Tongue
Females x3 > males
Munro abscess histologically
Most common finding in HIV patients?
Most detrimental effect of root resorption?
intrusion and torque
Undermining resorption shows what histologically?
Cell free zone
Growth curve of mandible is btwn which two curves?
General and Neural
Physicians use height/weight chart if there is how much deviation form the norm?
According to functional matrix theory, what causes bone growth?
Periosteal matrix
What part of the face has both endochondral and intramembranous growth?
Upper and Middle
Anterior Pituitary hormones?
FLAT PEG FSH LH ACTH TSH Prolactin Endorphin GH
Posterior Pituitary Hormones?
ADH (vasopressin)
What does high level of alkaline phosphate indicate?
high level of osteoblastic activity
Paget’s disease
during growth
What are the dental consequences of hypothyroidism(Cretinism)?
root resorption, delayed erruption, incompletely formed roots of permanent teeth, macroglossia, mental retardation
What diseases have Wormian bones?
PORK CHOP Pycnodysotosis Osteogensis imprefecta Ricketts "Kinky hair" Menke's syndrome Cleidocranail dysostosis hypoparathyroidism hypophosphatasia otopalatodigital syndrome primary acro-osteolysis Downs
How does the cranial base growth?
endochondral ossification
Source of growth of the cranial base?
Spheno-ethmoidal, inter-sphenoidal, spheno-occipital
majority of growth in the mandible is?
Normal downward and forward facial growth results from?
Upward and backward growth of maxillary suture and mandibular condyles
Vertical and mesial drift of dentition
Resorption of the anterior border of the ramus allows what kind of growth?
Increase in mandibular corpus length
What suture fuses early in dolicocephalic patients?
Saggital (Coronal in brachy patients)
Which bone ossifies upon termination of growth in the distal phalanges?
Ossification of Sesamoid bone and growth spurt timing?
occurs 1 year before growth spurt, 70% of growth remains) SMI4
Growth Spurt SMI6-7
What part of maxilla increases arch length and allows for molar eruption?
Mx. Tuberosity
In 11 YO male, lower facial height is expected to increase at what rate?
In a 11 YO male, in a 2 year period, how much are the mandibular molars expected to erupt?
Soft tissue vs. skeletal profile changes from teens to adults
Changes in Soft Tissue are greater
According to reviews of UNC database, deviation of the chin in pts w/ deficient or excessive md growth is to what side and what precentage?
left, 90%
Best genetic phenotype for predicting facial growth of child
Same sex sibling
What is the Peak Height Velocity (PHV)
- highest growth rate at any age
- 12 years in girls, 14 in boys
- from puberty for up to 24 months after
In late maturing girl, when does PVH occur?
18-24 months
Best way to determine growth potential?
Hand-wrist film (Serial Ceph shows cessation of growth)
Peak height velocity curve indicates what?
Growth in cm per year
At menarche what is true about growth
most growth is completed
When do primary teeth start calcification in utero?
14 weeks
Calcification of upper and lower 3rd molars…
varies greatly
What is the rate-limiting factor in pre-emergence tooth erruption?
Resorption of primary teeth (formation of permanent teeth stimulate primary tooth resorption)
What time of day does tooth erruption occur?
8PM to midnight of 1am (similar to hormone release)
How long does it take for root to complete following eruption?
2 to 3 years
Mechanism of tooth eruption is best explained by?
Proliferation of cells at the base of the crypt
What are the 3 things that could happen in tight anterior occlusion/late mandibular growth?
- distal displacement of md.
- maxillary incisor flare
- lower anterior crowding
Greatest loss of arch length occur at?
loss of second primary molars @ 6.5 years
What happens to permanent mandibular intercanine width during transition from primary to permanent?
- increases slightly
- 2 mm increase
Narrow arch width vs wider arch weidth, the arch perimeter increases?
greater for the narrow arch
What radiographs should be submitted to the ABO for pt over 18?
What imaging is the best technique to see TMJ disc perforation?
What imaging gives off the most radiation?
Bone Scan
Digital radiograph can produce ___ shades of gray and human eyes can detect ___ shades of gray
256 (8 bit)
16 (4 bit)
You can use a 8 bit monitor to display pictures taken from a camera that has 8 bits and 256 shades of gray (T/F)
Most common radiographic error leading to magnification?
increased distance from object to film
What is the ideal distance btwn film to midsagittal plane for lateral ceph?
15 cm (greater will cause magnification)
What is the ideal distance btwn source to midsagittal plane for lateral ceph?
60 in (5 ft)
What is the major source of error in ceph tracing/
Identification of landmarks
In standard ceph, which side of the mandible is lower and more magnified?
Right side
What is the usual cause of double border of mandible in lateral ceph?
Why would mandible be smaller on ceph taken 3 years later?
- Pt. too close to the source
- Change in object to film distance
Radiographic film emulsion contains…
Gelatin and silver halide (bromide)
Not including CBCT what is the downfall of digital x-ray?
What is the x-ray filter composed of? and why is it used?
- Aluminum
- Reduction of low energy x-rays
What metal is used to produce x-rays? (target)
What is the minimum total filtration that is required by x-ray that can operate in range greater than 70 Kvp
2.5 mm aluminum or equivalent
What is a radiographic filter and intensifying screen used for?
- reduce exposure to patient
- reduce exposure time
- thicker phosphor layer results in faster screens
How long should exposed x-ray film remain in fixing solution?
10 mins (5 for development)
When do primary teeth form in utero?
6 weeks
When do primary teeth begin calcification in utero?
14 weeks
What is the number of teeth related to gemination and its anatomy?
same # of teeth; 2 crowns, 1 root
When does tooth emergence begin related to root completion?
3/4 root completed
When does tooth eruption begin related to root completion?
2/3 root completed
When does apex close after eruption?
2-3 years
What features are associated with tooth eruption?
- occlusal change; root elongation; growth of alveolar bone; resorption of deciduous roots
What teeth are most common in ectopic eruption?
-mx 1st molars, md laterals, mx canines
What are the most reliable signs of aberrant eruption sequence?
- L7 before L5
- U3 before U4/U5
What is estrogen has what effect on tooth movement?
What is the most common primary tooth agenesis?
Primary mx lateral incisors
When asymptomatic non-ectopic impacted 3rd molars followed from a mean age of 20-24, what percentage are expected to erupt into a normal position?
What is the most important factor for intra-oral digital photography?
Which photography file type loses the most resolution?
JPEG (if GIF is not a choice)
JPEG loses the most information upon compression
What photography tile type loses the least amount of info?
What do you do when you use a double film packet?
Do nothing
What do you need to do to ensure the film quality when taking extraoral PA?
increase mA or exposure time
What affects penetration the most when taking an X-ray?
What has no effect on penetrating power of X-ray?
mA and exposure time
How do you decrease an x-ray contrast?
Increase kVP
How do you decrease density of a radiograph?
decrease mA
How do you position a patient’s head when taking a pano?
Frankfort horizontal parallel to the floor
This term is used to describe the area of dental anatomy that is reproduced distinctly on a pano
Focal trough
When evaluating radiograph, which teeth show greatest variation relative to the onset of mineralization of the crowns of permanent teeth?
Transcranial x-ray good for viewing what structure?
Lateral pole of condyle
What does ABO recommend for scale of photography?
1/4 photo size
Factors that contribute to optimal detail sharpness of a radiograph
- small focal spot area
- short object film distance
Oral tissues that are most sensitive to radiation?
Developing tooth buds and salivary glands
What is mandatory in radiation for protection of patients?
Radiation protection guide advocates that x-ray dose to operators of dental machines should not exceed?
100 milliroentgens per week
What type of radiograph is used to view maxillary sinuses?
Waters view
The first clinically observable reaction to radiation is?
Erythema of the skin
Cephalometrics are used to determine…
Dental pattern related to skeletal pattern
ABO, Mandibular Plan is
-constructed gonion to menton
ABO SN-MP range
27-37 degrees
What ceph measures are used in ABO discrepancy index?
SN-MP, ANB but not FMA, IMPA
What two bones meet articulare?
Mandible and temporal (it is a constructed point)
Which point is associated with occipital condyle?
Bolton point (higherst point at posterior condylar notch of occipital bone)
What is the posterior border of foramen magnum called?
Distance between SN and Natural head position?
7 degrees (SN and Frankfort difference -7 degrees)
What are common and stable reference lines when tracing?
FH line
What is level with FH line? and what is Parallel?
level = Zygomatic arch Parallel = Palate
What’s the best structure for superimposition of the cranial base?
Anterior clinoid, cribiform plate, greater wing of sphenoid
At what age can you start to superimpose on SN?
7 yrs
Where is Jugal Point?
Anterior end of upper border of zygomatic arch where it meets the process of zygomatic bone
What is the major limitation of the Witts analysis?
Failure of distinguishing btwn skeletal and dentoalveolar discrepancies
On a ceph, if you change from anatomic porion to machine porion, what will change?
Machine porion is anterior and inferior
FMA and Y-axis increase
FMIA decreases
Where do you superimpose the mandible?
3rd molar crypt, inner cortical part of symphysis, lower border of mandibular canal
(NOT of angle of mandible or mental foramen)
Where do you superimpose to know changes in maxillary dentition?
What’s the percentage of lower anterior facial height?
In 16 YO female, normal ratio of upper facial height to lower facial height?
Upper (nasion to Subnasale): Lower (Subnasale to menton)
Which ceph line is not an esthetic line?
I line
A good measurement of severity of a malocclusion in the AB line to?
Facial plane (N-Pog)
What 2 lines make up the facial angle?
Facial Plane (N-Pog) and FH Line
What happens to facial angle and mandibular plane angle as a person ages?
Facial Angle Increases
Mandibular Plane decreases
MPA decreases _ degrees per every _ years
1 degree per every 3 years
Angle of Convexity
angle btwn N-A and A-Pog
What is least likely to change from 8-18 yrs? or remains relatively constant with age?
Y-axis; Facial Axis
If the angle of convexity is -5, what type of malocclusion do you expect?
Class III
What can be used as a substitute for porion?
Ear rod
Temporal bone on PA Ceph appears as a line on? Where does petrous bone lie on PA ceph?
Inferior 1/3 of the orbit
Radiopaque line that passes obliquely through the orbits on a PA is which bone?
Downs analysis used what as a reference plane?
Frankfort Horizontal
Downs used what for superimposition?
Broadbent registration point
Where is Broadbent registration point located?
Intersection btwn the Bolton-Nasion line and perpendicular from sella
Steiner uses what to evaluate lower incisors to chin?
Holdaway Ratio (L1-NB/Pog-NB) 1:1
What is one of the major strengths of McNamara Analysis?
Normative data are based on well defined sample
What is the E line?
Ricketts; Soft tissue Pog to tip of the nose
What is the best point to measure the protrusion of the upper incisors?
What is the normal range of Nasolabial angle?
What is the name of the midpoint at the most inferior point of maxillary alveolus?
Supradentale (aka prosthion)
Mandibular one is known as infradentale
Which occlusion is commonly found with interincisal angle of 185 degree?
Class II div II
What anatomic structure is frequently superimposed on periapical or occlusal radiographs of the anterior maxilla?
The radiopacity that frequently obliterates the apices of maxillary molars when using bisecting principle of intra-oral radiography is?
Zygoma and zygomatic process of maxilla
What structure does the tuberculum impar give rise to?
Meckel’s cartilage gives rise?
Malleus, Incus, Sphenomandibular ligament
What brachial arches is hyoid derived from?
2nd and 3rd
lesser-2nd, greater cornu
What bones form lamboidal suture?
2 parietal and 1 occipital
Where does the frontal sinus drain?
Middle meatus
Where does the posterior ethmoidal cells drain?
Superior meatus
What is the lacrimal sac between?
Maxilary and lacrimal bones
What structure is the key ridge?
Zygomatic process of the maxilla
What bone is not a part of the orbit?
What bones make up the floor of the orbit?
• Seven bones of the Orbit “Z Pretty MELFS”
o Zygomatic, Palatine, Maxilla, Ethmoid, Lacrimal, Frontal, Sphenoid, ,
o Floor = ZPM Medial = MEL
What bones make up the floor lateral wall of the orbit?
• Seven bones of the Orbit “Z Pretty MELFS”
o Zygomatic, Palatine, Maxilla, Ethmoid, Lacrimal, Frontal, Sphenoid, ,
o Floor = ZPM Medial = MEL
How many cartilages in the inferior 3rd of the nose?
3 cartilages
The nasal septum is usually deviated where?
Inferior 1/3
Which is the largest salivary gland?
- Parotid
- enters though buccinators M2 by Stensen’s duct
Where is the articular tubicle located relative to sigmoid notch?
What doesn’t occur when a person swallows?
Supra hyoid relax
Position of the mandibular foramen?
- Above the occlusal plane
- Above and posterior of the mandibular molars
Muscle primarily responsible for smiling?
Zygomaticus major (not Risorius)
Which muscle pulls the lip up when smiling?
Labialis Superioris
Which muscle draws the corner of the mouth laterally when smiling?
Temporalis muscles act as?
Periosteal Matrix
Anterior digastic muscle is innervated by what? and posterior by what?
Anterior by trigeminal
Posterior by facial
Origin and insertion of anterior and posterior digastrics
o Anterior origin – close to lingual symphysis; posterior origin – medial surface of mastoid process; a deep groove btwn mastoid process and styloid process called digastric groove o Insertion – both of them into intermediate tendon of hyoid bone(at junction of greater and lesser cornu)
Which muscle inserts into the mandible?
anterior digastric; not hyoglossus, posterior belly of digastric, thyroglossus, superior belly of omohyoid
What muscle protrudes the tongue?
The hammock ligament is related to…
What bone bridges the cranial base to facial skeleton
What is not a part of the sphenoid?
Cribiform (that is ethmoid)
Sphenoid- dosum sellae, anterior clinoid process, hypophyseal fossa
Which paranasal sinus lies beneath the sella turcica?
Sphenoid sinsus