Turfgrass Flashcards
Species that grow best at air temperatures of 80-95 degrees fahrenheit. They typically lose color in the fall, go dormant in the winter, and resume growth each spring
Warm season turfgrass
Species that prefer air temperatures of 60-75 degrees fahrenheit. These grasses can suffer damage in the summer due to high temperature and drought.
Cool season turfgrass
A layer of loose organic matter between the leaves of grass and the soil surface that is made up of living and dead leaves, stems, and roots.
An above ground branch in a plant of grass. These and the main stem make up the shoot portion of the plant and meet the roots at the crown. All grasses produce them, which are important for capturing sunlight and producing carbohydrates.
A horizontal below ground stem. When they emerge from the soil, a new plant that is identical to the parent can be formed.
A horizontal above ground stem that can root and form a new plant identical to the parent.
Tall fescue - cool or warm season
Cool season
Centipede grass
Warm season
Warm season
Kentucky bluegrass
Cool season
Warm season
Chewing fescue
Cool season
St. Augustine grass
Warm season
sWhat are two turfgrass that have the best tolerance to shade?
A. Kentucky bluegrass and St. Augustinegrass
B. St. Augustinegrass, fine leaf fescues
C. Bermudagrass, zoysiagrass
D. Tall fescue, fine leaf fescues
E. Bermudagrass, fine leaf fescue
What are two turfgrasses that have high tolerance for wear/traffic?
A. Kentucky bluegrass, St Augustinegrass
B. Centipedegrass, Bermudagrass
C. Bermudagrass, tall fescue
D. Tall fescue, Bermudagrass
E. Centipedegrass, Kentucky bluegrass