Tungsten arsenal Flashcards
Tungsten lamp
light is created by running electrical current through a tungsten filament until it glows.
Filament is held in an inert gas inside the sealed glass bulb to prevent the filament from simply being incinerated.
Powered by either AC or DC
tungsten halogen lamp
type of incandescent that contains special regenerative elements to prevent deposits of tungsten from blackening the globe
halogen cycle
halogen carries evaporated tungsten back to the filament to be reused. prevents blackening
why are tungsten lamps made of quartz?
the halogen cycle must occur at a high temperature (at least 250 C) quartz can withstand a high temperature
lamp center length
defines the position of the center of the filament of the lamp, centers it with respect to the reflector, the lens, and other optical elements
why use an alternative globe?
frosted instead of clear glass
different wattage or color temp
globe with lower color temp may have a longer lamp life
what must be true to use diff globe in a fixture
same lamp base
same LCL, lamp center length
fresnel fixture
designed to create wide, even field of light with adjustable intensity and field size
makes clean, hard shadows
named for fresnel lens
has sphericalreflector
globe and reflector mounted together, moved toward or away from the lens
Fresnel lens
refacts the diverging rays of light emitted by the bulb into a controlled beamof light
has the same light bending as a standard plan-convex lens, but compresses the convex curve into jagged steps, making it lighter and thinner, so it retains less heat
back of the lens is frosted or slightly peddled, helps maintain a very even bean, prevents it from projecting an image of the fialment
spherical reflector
gives fresnel its high level of control and even field
reflects light straight back through the bulb
therefore all light eminates from a single point within the fixture
polished reflector- maximizes light output
frosted reflector- maintains even field
FLood/spot on Fresnel
globe and reflector move together
toward the lens, floods, increasing spread and decreasing intensity
away from lens, spots, makes beam narrower and more intense
fresnel beam
Flood- beam even across 40 deg, falls off quickly toward edge. no central hotspot
spotted in- rays become less divergent, more nearly parallel, beam narrows and gets brighter at the center, falling off rapidly at either side
full spot- usable portion 10 deg
distance from light to the subject
greater throw in spot position
usable light in a field
area of light that has an intensity of at least 10% of the peak value
beam/ “working light”
area of light that has an intensity of at least 50% of the peak value
hot spot
bright spot within the beam
candela, unit of luminous intensity(candle power) equal to
cd= foot candles x (distance in feet)^2
where does fresnel make its hardest, most delineated shadows
full flood
the more spotted, the less hard the shadow lines appear
where does fresnel make fuzzier shadows?
full spot
rays are nearly parallel, but some converge slightly and cross one another, creates fuzziness in shadows
fresnel accessories
barndoors, set of scrims, snoot
stainless steel wire screen used to reduce the intensity of the light
single scrim
loose wire weave, green ring, cuts light by half stop
double scrim
tighter wire weave, red ring, cuts light by full stop
hollywood set
single, two doubles, half-single, half double, gel frame
some have quarter and graduated
affect one half of the beam
used to even out intensity of light as subject moves
gel frame
only holds gels or diffusion for short spans of time
can melt onto scrims
barn doors
control of edges of beam, soft cut
big doors horizontal- chinese
big doors vertical- american
for a confined, narrow, circular beam
wide- top hat
some have rings with diff aperture sizes to adjust beam width
top hat
wide snoot
narrow snoot
focal spot
attachment that changes fresnel light into spotlight
creates narrow, bright, even circle
framing shutters
accepts gobos, mattesinterchangeable lenstubes- wide beam and narrow beam
gel ring
heavy duty louvers or blinds rows of parallel slats that open and close mounted on the front of a light when light needs to change during shot keep far from subject lightning effects
20k fresnel
typically 30 in lens
stand alone dimmer used to bring to full, prevents inrush current from blowing bulb
available in 208, 220, 230, 240 V
match lamp to voltage
ANSI code
American National standards Institute
Bipostal lamp base
most larger fresnels
bayonet base
smaller lamps
installing 2k globes
lights 2000w and larger, screw in base tightens the base around the pins
Open face flood/spot
reflector farther forward, spot
reflector farther back, flood
Access inside of fresnel
1) 1k and up, lens door swings open on a hinge
2) baby-baby, top of housing swings back on hinge
3) top of pepper swings open to one side
4) lens of midhet held in place by metal tab
tilt angle
fresnels should be hung rightside down
larger expensive globes, some tilted within 45 deg of vertical
soft lights
designed to produce diffsued light with less-defined shadows
light from tubular globes directed into white concave reflector, wide,even, uncontrollle spread
used for fill and room ambiance
less light per watt than fresnels
multiple globes switched on and off individuallly
soft light accessories
egg crate- black, metal grid control spill
gel frame/diffusor frame, front of snoot
usually no scrims