Tumour Progression, Invasion and Metastasis Flashcards
Characteristics of Malignant Tumours:
What occurs during Progression?
→ How does this differ from Benign tumours?
What occurs during Invasion?
What occurs during Metastasis?
- Unlimited growth as long as an adequate blood supply is available
→ Benign tumours have limited growth - Migration of tumour cells into surrounding tissues, where they’re free to disseminate via the blood or lymph
- Spread of tumour cells from primary site to form a Secondary tumour
What are the Molecular changes occurring here?
What is this process associated with?
→ What properties can vary between cells in a tumour?
- • Acquisition of specific mutations - by Carcinogens
• Clonal expansion - by Tumour promotors
• Genomic Instability
• Epigenetic changes - Cellular Heterogeneity - Selective pressures will determine the cell types in a tumour
→ Antigenicity, Growth rate, Response to hormones and cytotoxic drugs, Capacity for invasion and metastasis
What changes occur in the tumour during this stage?
What promotes Angiogenesis?
What are the main factors involved here?
→ How are they stored?
→ What are they released by?
Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMC):
What is this?
What is LOST during this?
Regulation of Proteolytic Activity:
What do most tissues have to regulate Proteinases?
→ How does this relate to Tumours?
- • Increased mechanical pressure due to rapid proliferation
• Hypoxia, leading to neovascularisation
• Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMC)
• Increased production of degrading enzymes by tumour and stromal cells
—————— - HYPOXIA
→ Bound to components of the ECM
→ Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) - Angiogenesis Inhibitors e.g. Anti-VEGF like Bevacizumab, VEGF Receptor Inhibitors like Sorafenib
- Remodelling of cell-cell and cell-ECM interactions, leading to the detachment of Epithelial cells from each other and its basement membrane
- Epithelial shape, Cell polarity, Cytokeratin intermediate filament, and Epithelial junction protein (E-CADHERIN)
- Fibroblast-like shape, N-CADHERIN, Invasiveness, Vimentin intermediate filament, Mesenchymal gene expression, and Protease secretion
- TIMP (Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases), which inhibit Proteinases
→ Some tumours have ↓TIMP
Why is it a very inefficient process?
What is the Seed and Soil Hypothesis?
Compared to Tumour Invasion, what does Colonisation require to become a Secondary tumour?
- Tumour cells can easily extravasate most of the time, but find it difficult to become a Secondary tumour (Micro/Macrometastasis)
- There are Specific Adhesions between Tumour and Endothelial cells in the target organ, creating a favourable environment for colonisation
- Mesenchymal-Epithelial Transition (MET)
Liquid Biopsies:
What are they?
If a blood biopsy is taken, what can be detected?
What are CTCs? What does their presence in blood indicate?
- Sampling and analysis of Non-solid biological tissue (e.g. blood) for detection of molecular biomarkers
- Circulating Tumour Cells (CTCs), Cell free DNA etc.
- Tumour cells travelling in the blood - Indicates tumour growth and spread