Ttmik Review Dialogues 6-10 Flashcards
어차피 공항에 밤늦게 도착할 것 같은데, 그 근처에서 자고 다음 날 서울에 가는 건 어때?
In the vicinity of…
I think we will arrive at the airport late at night anyway. Why don’t we stay nearby and go to Seoul the next day?
숙소까지는 어떻게 가지?
Lodging, accommodations
How do we get to our accommodation?
운전할 줄 알기는 아는데, 모르는 길에서는 운전 잘 못해. 어디에서 운전하는지에 따라 달라.
I DO know how to drive but I can’t drive well on a road that I don’t know. It depends on where I drive.
그럼 내가 서울까지 가는 교통수단을 한번 알아볼게.
means, way, measure, method
investigate, check (up on), search, look into, inquire, see
I will look into transportation to Seoul.
여기 사장님이 유명한 바리스타야. 나 여기 가고 싶은데 우리 이날 점심 먹고 이 카페 가는 건 어때?
The owner here is a very famous barista. I want to go here so how about going to this cafe after lunch?
나 공원이나 미술관 가는 거 좋아하거든. 상민이 너는 어때? 어디 가고 싶어?
I like to go to the park or to the museum. What about you, Sangmin? Where do you want to go?
미안. 미안. 내가 요즘 일이 많이 쌓여서 너무 바쁘거든. 그래서 지금 너무 졸려 죽겠어.
I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m really busy because I have a ton of work piled up. So I’m extremely sleepy now.
너 너무 과로하는 거 아니야?
Aren’t you working too much?
어디 갔냐고 물어봤는데 대답도 안 하고 그냥 나갔어요
Reported questions (ie. “I asked…”, “He/she/they asked…”
I asked him where he was going but he just left without even answering me
다들 뭐 하느라 오늘이 상민이 생일인 줄도 몰랐어요?
Linking to verbs or actions as a reason for a result. “Because I was…”, “What were you (doing) to be…”, “How come…”
How come you guys didn’t even know that today is Sangmin’s birthday?
하…나는 오늘 아침에 상민이랑 싸웠는데…바보같이 왜 그랬지…너무 미안하다
(Sigh)…I had a quarrel with him this morning…why was I such a fool? I feel really bad
-(으)나 마나
그래 봤다 소용없어. 보나 마나 이미 울다 생일 잊어버린 거 다 알고 있을 거야
No matter whether you do it or not, the result is fixed
Even if we do, it will be of no use. Needless to say, he might already know that we forgot his birthday
-(으)ㄹ 만하다
가족들이 적부 생일을 잊어버렸으니까 기분이 안 좋을 만하지
To be doable/understandable/bearable
It is understandable that he doesn’t feel good because all of his family members have forgotten his birthday
-(으/느)ㄴ 데다가
똑똑한 데다가 키도 크고 멋있는 내 동생 상민이! 지금 어디야?
On top of…, in addition to, not only
My brother Sangmin who is not only smart, but also tall and awesome! Where are you now?
-기가 무섭게/ -기가 바쁘게
다빈 씨 회의 끝나기가 무섭게 나갔어요. 와요?
Right after VERBing
She (다빈 씨) went out as soon as the meeting finished. Why?
아, 사실 눈앞이 좀 캄캄해요. 이 프로젝트 하겠다고 한 걸 가슴 깊이 후회하고 있어요
Oh, actually I don’t know what to do. I’m deeply regretting having said I would take the project.
아, 그게 아니고요. 어차피 해야 하는 거 일찍 시작하면 좋을 것 같아서 그렇게 말한 거였죠.
Oh, that’s not what I meant. I said it because it would be better to start sooner if we had to do it anyway.
-(으)ㄴ 대로
저는 회의에서 이야기한 대로 진행하고 있는데도 자꾸 잘못했다고 하시니까 너무 힘들어요.
In the same way that…, just like someone did/said
I’m doing as we agreed in the meeting but he keeps saying that I did it wrong so it’s very stressful
맞아요. 그렇지만 그분 때문에 머리도 복잡하고 정말 짜증 날 때가 있어요
You are right. But sometimes I get confused and really annoyed because of him.
- (으)면 좋겠어요
- (ㄴ/는)다는 뜻이에요
민정 씨는 항상 긍정적인 것 같아요. 저도 그렇게 긍정적인 사람이었으면 좋겠다는 뜻이에요.
I hope…,I wish…
It means…
I think you are always positive. I mean I wish I were a positive person like you.
-(으)ㄹ 따름이다
너무 감사할 따름이죠. 석윤 씨 죄송해요. 오늘이 동생 수술 날만 아니면 얘기할 수 있을 텐데요.
It is just that…, I only
I am grateful. Seok-yun, I am sorry. If only today today were not the day of my brother’s surgery, we would be able to talk.
-는 한이 있더라도
아니에요. 제가 야근하는 한이 있더라도 혼자 처리할게요. 걱정 말고 병원 가세요.
Even if I would have to, even if that means I have to…
It’s fine. Even if I end up working overtime, I will take care of it by myself. Don’t worry and just go to the hospital.
나는 날짜가 좀 헷갈렸는데 다들 아무 말도 없길래 그냥 조용히 있었지
I was not sure about the date and no one was talking about it, so I just stayed quiet