Cram Schools Flashcards
~에 관해서
이번에는 학원에 관해서 이야기할게요
~in relation to, about, regarding
This time, I’ll talk about cram schools or academies
한국 사람들은 학원을 정말 많이 다녀요
To attend regularly
Koreans go to a lot of cram schools
그리고 정말 다양한 학원이 있어요
There are various kinds of cram schools
제가 어렸을 때도 학원을 많이 다녔는데요
Implies that this part of her story is not over
When I was young I also went to many cram schools
우선 피아노 학원을 다녔어요
First (before anything else), first of all, to begin with, priority
First, I went to a piano academy
그리고 미술 학원을 다녔어요
Fine art
And (then) went to an art class
가르쳐 주는
그리고 영어와 수학을 가르쳐 주는 학원을 다녔습니다
Teach + to give - teaches you
And also went to cram schools that taught English and math
제가 어릴 때 제 친구들은 보통 피아노 학원, 아니면 태권도 학원, 아니면 이렇게 영어, 국어, 수학 등 학교 과목을 가르치는 그런 학원을 주로 다녔어요
Korean language (used to refer to refer to the subject or by Koreans) Subject
When I was young, my friends usually went to a piano or Tae-kein-do academy, or mostly went to cram schools that taught English, Korean, Math, and other school subjects
그런데 요즘에는 학원이 정말 다양해졌더라고요
~conveying what you’ve observed, relaying your experience (“I’ve noticed”)
But these days, I’ve noticed that the cram schools have become so diverse
우선 발레 학원 있습니다
First, there is a ballet academy (are ballet academies)
발레 우행이래요
~shortened form of 이라고 해요 meaning “they say that”
Apparently ballet is popular
그리고 악기를 다루는 학원이 다양해졌어요
(Musical) Instrument
Handle, treat, deal with
Also, cram schools that teach instruments have branched out a lot
피아노 뿐만 아니라 바이올린, 플루트 등 다양한 악을 가르치는 학원 많다고 해요
Not only, besides
Besides piano, there are many cram schools that teach various instruments like violin and the flute
그리고 운동 쪽으로 가면요, 발레 가르치는 학원도 있고요, 밸리 댄스를 가르치는 학원도 있고요, 축구, 그리고 또 태권도
To go to the side of, moving on to…
And if we move on to sports, there are places that teach ballet, there are cram schools that teach belly dancing, soccer, and also Tae-Kwon-do
요즘에는 줄넘기를 어떻게 하는지 가르쳐 주는 그런 학원도 생겼대요
Jump rope (literally to skip over rope)
Apparently, there is a cram school that teaches (how to) jump rope
그리고 바둑을 두는 학원도 많고요, 또 인라인스케이트나 자전거를 가르쳐 주는 그런 학원도 있다고 합니다
The game of Go
Put, set, place
바둑 두다 - Play Go
And there are a lot of cram schools that teach (the game of) Go, and those that teach inline skates and bicycles
정말 다양하죠?
So diverse, right?
-어떻게 말을 잘하는지
그리고 어떻게 말을 잘하는지를 가르치는 스피치 있고요,
Speak, say, talk, tell
- how to speak well
Also, there are speech schools that teach how to speak well
책을 어떻게 하면 잘 읽을 수 있는지를 가르쳐 주는 독해 학원도 있다고 해요
Reading comprehension
(And) reading academies that teach how to read a book properly
정말 신기하죠?
Amazing, wonderful, marvelous
So cool, right?
여러분의 나라는 어떠세요?
How about in your country?