TSM V7.1 Node Replication Flashcards
At what version level of TSM was Node Replication introduced?
Which function was added to Node Replication in TSM V7.1?
automatic failover
if the automatic failover feature is configured what functionality ia available to the TSM client when the first server goes down and the client is automatically redirected to the target (2nd) server?
restore and retrieve only (in the backup/archive GUI the backup/archive options are greyed out)
What level of TSM is necessary on all participants (servers and clients) for automatic failure to be possible?
clients and servers at level V7.1 .
what additional parameter needs to be set for automatic failover functionality to be added to the already configured (and working properly!) node replication environment?
tsmserver1>set failoverhladdress server2
the client option file then also gets automatically updated
Can 1 server be both a target and a source replication server?
Yes, A server can function as the source of replicated data for some client nodes and as the target of replicated data for other client nodes
what types of data can be replicated? (3)
- backup (inactive and active)
- archive
- Space managed (HSM data that hasmigrated to the source server)
What levels of TSM are required for node replication?
server: TSM V6.3+
client: TSM V6.3 or earlier
Can the Operating System of source and target be different?
Does the storage pool layout of source and target have to be the same?
No, e.g: the data of 2 source storage pools may be stored in 1 stgpool on the target…
How about deduplication and node replication?
Node replication is deduplication-aware
Is SSL supported for node replication communication?
Can data be replicated more than once?
No, the data is replicated to the target and cannot be replicated to another server after that. Also it is not possible to replicate the same object to multiple servers
Command set to create the server definitions (with crossdefine)
Source : server-a
Target: server-b
1)on target server (server_b): set servername server_b set serverpassword mylife set serverhladdress set serverlladdress 1860 set crossdefine on
2)on source server (server_a): set servername server_a set serverpassword yourlife set serverhladdress set serverlladdress 1500
3)on server_a (source):
define server server_b hladdress= lladdress=1860 serverpassword=mylife crossdefine=yes
Node replication configuration: the server definitions have been created, what is the next step? (+ command)
set the default replication server on the source server:
tsm>set replserver server_b
What command is used to show the default replication server and replication settings?
tsm>query status
Server host name or IP address:
Server TCP/IP port number: 5511
Server URL:
Crossdefine: Off
OutBound Replication: Enabled
Server Password Set: Yes
Target Replication Server: DRSERVER
Default Replication Rule for Backup: ALL_DATA
Default Replication Rule for Archive: ALL_DATA
Default Replication Rule for Space Managed: ALL_DATA
Replication Record Retention Period: 14 Day(s)
What is the default number of days that replication records are kept in the TSM database of the source server? How can I change that value?
30 days
tsm>set replretention 10
10 steps (in words) to configure node replication
- Create the server definitions on the source and target servers
- Set the default target replication server
- Setup policy and storage hierarchy on the target server
- Determine nodes and filespace data to replicate
- Configure nodes for replication
- Modify filespace, node or server replication rules if needed
- Validate replication rules (VALIDATE REPLICATION command)
- Perform replication (REPLICATE NODE command)
- Verify results (QUERY REPLICATION command)
- Monitor replication (QUERY REPLNODE command)
How about setting policies on source and target server
keep them the same (recommended)
How does the target server know which policy to use for the data that is being sent by the source?
The REPLICATE NODE command includes the management class specification. If the management class is also found on the target (same name) it is used, otherwise the default mgmtclass is used.
How about version control and retention?
It is managed by the source server.
Replication rules can be set at 3 different levels, which ones?
-filespace level (update filespace … replrule=)
when default then:
-node level (update node… bkreplruledefault=…, arreplruledefault=…,spreplruledefault=…
when both node and filespace are default then:
-server level (set bkreplruledefault all_data, set arreplruledefault all_data, set spreplruledefault all_data )
6 possible settings for replication rules, which ones?
all_data all_data_high_priority active_data (backup rule only) active_data_high_priority (backup rule only) default none
How can you delete the data in a filespace from a target server?
on the source server:
tsm>update filespace node1 /b replstate=purgedata
note: after data in filespace is deleted, automaticcaly the replstate for this filespace is set to disabled to prevent further replication.
How do you enable a node for replication?
update node … replstate=enable
parameter is optional, if not specified it means not ready for replication
if the target node does not exist on the target server, when/how is it created?
autmatically when the first replication occurs (with “replicate node” )
the replmode parameter (for update node) is often managed by TSM itself, in what scenarion do you have to define a value for it manually?
when data has been partially exported/imported to the target server (in order to populate the target server fast).
Then you want to sync the data of the source (syncsend) and target (syncreceive) server.
What happens automatically after you issue the >set replserver command?
The default replication rules (BK/AR/SPREPLRULEDEFAULTare set to ALL_DATA at the server level .
How can you determine whether a client node is enabled for node replication?
tsm>query node
How can you test your replication rule settings (+ replication connection) for your nodes?
tsm>validate replication node1,node2,node3 verifyconnection=yes
example of replicate node command:
> replicate node node1 datatype=backupactive,archive priority=high
replicate node cmd: datatype parameter: which values? (5)
all, backup, backupactive, archive, spacemanaged
replicate node cmd: priority parameter, which values?
all,high, normal
replicate node cmd: what happens if you specify”preview=yes” and the data was never before replicated?
The node and filespace definitions are created on the target server
tsm>cancel replication :function?
cancel all replication processes
tsm>remove replnode node1 :what happens?
- the replstate for the node is set to none.
- can be issued on both target and source
- data is not deleted
- after this, the target may receive backup/archive/sp data from the node
Command to show the number of client files stored on replication servers.
What if the output shows an empty “target server” field?
tsm>query replnode node1
target server field is empty if a replication was never completed.
Cmd to show the details about all/running /ended/failed/
replication processes for a node?
tsm>query replication node1 f=d
How do you check whether replication is enabled for the source server?
> q status [check : oubound replication setting]
If the server is not enabled for replication, how do you set it?
tsm>enable replication
How do I disable any further replication for the 9source) server?
tsm>disable replication [note: running replication processes will keep running till they are completed]