TSM V7.1: Administration general Flashcards
What is the difference between a set and a setop command?
- a SET command changes.sets a VALUE of a server PARAMETER (not option!) in the TSM server, takes effect immediately, some can be listed using QUERY STATUS.
- a SETOPT command changes a server OPTION that is defined in the dsmserv.opt file. If the parameter is changed using SETOPT, there is no need to restart the server for the change to take effect.
what is the difference between backup and archive?
backup is for protection against unforeseen damage and works with versions of files.
archive is for long term protection and has no concept of versions.
which 2 important features were added to TSM database administration in V6.3?
- multistream database backup and restore
- manual database and index reorganisation
what happens if the archive logs are not pruned in time (e.g. a full database backup is not taken in time) and they run out of space?
then the active log becomes full or it’s directory becomes full and then the server shuts down. It cannot be started again unless space is freed for both type of logs (special procedure)
Which scheduling mode supports randomization (setting a value for it)
which 2 log files should be sized accordingly whe using simultaneous write?
archive log and active log
In the copygroup definition, type=backup, what parameters can I use for versioning and renetion?
In the copygroup definition, type=archive, what parameters can I use for retention?
Where is the MAXSCRATCH parameter set?
tsm>define STGPOOL …
How is automatic reclamation on a stgpool prevented?
tsm>define stgpool …RECLAIM=100
Which authority is needed to register an admin?
express the syntac of the grant authority command
tsm>grant authority JOHN classes= SYSTEM
What authority classes does TSM support?
system, policy, storage, analyst, operator, node
system authority allows which tasks?
registration of administrators, perform all admin commands,full management of policy domains and storage pools
unrestricted policy authority, which tasks?
can issue commands that affect all existing and future policy domains (note: cannot delete or add them!), can be restricted by using the DOMAINS= parameter.
unrestricted storage authority, which tasks?
can issue commands that affect all existing and future stgpools(note: cannot delete or create them), can be restricted by using the STGPOOLS= parameter.
operator authority, which tasks?
daily operation, storage media
analyst authority, which tasks?
reset counters for server statistics
node authority
acces via web client (access=level, default) ) to specific node, NODE=mynode [note: owner level= access via web client + other node)
What is a backupset?
A backup set is a collection of a client’s ACTIVE backed up data, stored and managed as a single object, on specific media, in server storage.
what server options set the size and directory of the ACTIVELOG?
What is the difference in using the “-filesonly” or “-v2archive” option with dsmc archive?
Both archive files only, however the directories in the path specification of these files are archived when using “ filesonly”, but are not archived when using “v2archive”
What is the purpose of the cmd PERFORM LIBACTION?
Use this command to define or delete all drives and their paths for a single library in one step.
What server option needs to be set in order for PERFORM LIBACTION to work?
sandiscovery on (dsmserv.opt)
What is the purpose of the VIRTUALNODENAME option?
To restore or retrieve files to another workstation, use the
virtualnodename option to specify the node name of the
workstation from which you backed up the files. You can usethe virtualnodename option when starting Tivoli Storage Manageror place the option in your client options file, dsm.opt, onthe workstation. If you are using a workstation other than yourown, use the virtualnodename option with the dsm command. For
example, if your node name is cougar, enter:
start dsm -virtualnodename=cougar
You can then restore or retrieve files as if you were working on your original workstation.
Name the access modes of a volume
readwrite, readonly, unavailable, destroyed, offsite,
[tsm>update volume access=readwrite]
If you want to assemble control and actual data onto tape volumes to use externally,which commands would you use? (4)
Name 2 types of collocation
node collocation, filespace collocation
How is collocation activated?
by setting the “collocate=” parameter in “define stgpool”
Collocation can be activated on what type of stgpool?
sequential access
What is the default setting for the “collocate=” parameter in “ define stgpool” ?
GROUP (=node + filespace)
What happens if the collocate= setting is to GROUP for the stgpool, and there are no collocation groups defined?
data is collected at the “node” level
which 4 settings are valid for the “collocate=” parameter s?
No, GROUP (default) , Node, Filespace
what is the advantage of collocation?
the data for a node (group) or filespace (group) is collected on the least amount of volumes possible. Therefore the number of volume mounts is reduced for restore/retrieve/recall operations.
what is the disadvantage of collocation?
increases backup time and number of volumes + affects the migration processes from disk to tape. They are doen at the filespace. node or group node level.
Examples of collocation group definition and commands
tsm>Define ColloCGroup sales
Node collocation group:
tsm>define collocmember sales markpc, pietpc
Filespace collocation group:
tsm>define collocmember othersales mariapc filepace=*_linux_fs, *_unix_fs
tsm>query collocgroup f=d
tsm>delete collocgroup (only if empty)
tsm>delete collocmember …
* a node cannot be a member of both a node collocation group and a filespace collocation group.
* a node can be a member in more than 1 filespace groups
Explain “ MSCS” ?
Microsoft Cluster Server
What is the purpose of the “clusternode” option in the dsm.opt?
The clusternode option ensures that TSM manages backup data logically, regardless of which cluster node backs up a cluster disk resource. Use this option for TSM nodes that process cluster disk resources, and not local resources.
2 nodes (node 1 and node 2) + 2 clustergroups A and B. How to configure the Backup-Archive clients for this cluster?
1) configure local backup for both node 1 and node 2:
regular BA client and local scheduler install on each node.
Please note: in dsm.opt do not specify “clusternode” option and leave “domain” blank (ensures local disk backup only).
2) register a node for cluster a: cluster_a
register a node for cluster b: cluster_b
3) for each cluster: configure a dsm.opt file on one of it’s cluster disks : nodename (cluster_a), domain (disk drive spec e.g. “e:” ) clusternode yes, unique schedlog, unique errorlog on shared disk.
4) at node1 (when node1 owns the cluster) install the scheduler service via dsmcutil. Then, move the ownsership to node2 and do the same there with dsmcutil.
repeat steps2 and 4 for the other cluster.
For installing the web client you need to add the httpport setting to the (shared) dsm.opt files and start the CAD and remote agent via dsmcutil .
Why is it possible for migration to continue even though the low threshhold was already reached?
Die to collocation by node or filespace the migration may continue even below the LOwmig .
How can you force the storage pool to be emptied via migration?
tsm>migrate stgpool… lo=0 or
tsm>define stgpool …lo=0 (default=70)
How can you prevent migration from ever starting (automatically)?
tsm>define stgpool …highmig=100
Having set the MIGDELAY parameter for a storage pool to 7 days, how can you prevent that , every time migration takes place, TSM continues migrating until the low migration threshold is met?
tsm>define stgpool …migdelay=7 migcontinue=no (default=yes for migcontonue)
Which 4 parameters in “define stgpool” ensure that simulteneous write is enabled for the storage pool?
autocopy (default = client, other values: none, migration, all)
copystgpools= copystgpool1, copystgpool2, copystgpool3 (for simulteneous write only, maximum of three)
+copycontinue (default = yes, is mandatory when using “copystgpools” )
activedatapools (optional, if any)
Note: for simultaneous write: #copystgpools + #activedatapools <= 3 !
Which 7 parameters in “define stgpool” specify
migration values?
NEXTstgpool , HIghmig (default 90), LOwmig (default 70), Cache (default NO), MIGPRocess (default 1), MIGDelay (default 0 days), MIGContinue (default yes)
Simultaneous write is supported for which types of operations (3)?
- -Client store (backup & archive)
- server migration and HSM migration
- import server processes
Which 4 settings are supported for the Autocopy parameter of a storage pool definition and which one is the cefault?
1) Client (default, client stores + server import)
2) Migration (migration only),
3) All (both client + migration + server import)),
4) None (disable simultaneous write)
Which 5 functions are incompatible with simultaneous write?
1)LAN-free movement: Sw take sprecedence and data goes over LAN;
2)NAS backups (if primary stgpool as specified in copygroup with DESTINATION and TOCDESTINATION has copy stgpools specified, they are ignored)
3)data-deduplication: if the primary pool is a dedup pool, it receives the data but all copystgpools and activedatapools are ignored. If the primary pool is not a dedup pool but any of the copy or data stgpools are, the dedup pools are ignored.
4( Centera storage
5) stgpools of datatype: NETAPPDUMP, NDMPDUMP, CELERRADUMP
Suppose the primary stgpool is full and the file gets written to the next stgpool, what happens in regards to the simutaneous write function?
When a data storage operation switches from a primary storage pool to a next storage pool, the next storage pool inherits the list of copy storage pools and the COPYCONTINUE value from the primary storage pool. The primary storage pool is specified by the copy group of the management class that is bound to the data.
The CopyContinue parameter for storage pools is default
set to YES. Why would you want to change the value to “NO” .
If you want client store operations to stop if any of the copy stgpools experiences write failures.
The CopyContinue setting is ignored for which simultaneous write operations?
server data migration, active-data pools and server import.
when write failures occur in the stgpool hierarchy when using simultaneous write, what happens in case of
1) client store
2) data migration
3) import server
1) client store: depends on setting of CopyContinue parm
2) server data migration: operation continues to all other non failing stgpools
3) import server: operation stops
Does the usage of simultaneous write remove the necessity to use “backup stgpool” or “copy activedata” ?
No, simultaneous write operations may fail on certain stgpools an therefore you still need to run “ backup stgpool” or “copy activedata” regularly to make sure that the primary pool data is completely copied.