T.S2 Flashcards
Safety Limit - Fuel Rod Temperature specifications (2.1)
(1) The maximum temperature in a Standard TRIGA fuel rod shall not exceed 1000 °C under any condition of operation.
(2) The maximum temperature in a 30/20 TRIGA fuel rod shall not exceed 1150 °C under any condition of operation.
Limiting Safety System Settings (2.2)
Specifications: The limiting safety system settings shall be 500 °C or less, as measured in an instrumented fuel rod located in the central region of the core. The instrumented fuel rod shall be located in one of the following core lattice positions in the region of the core containing the
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30/20 fuel rods: D2NE, D2SE, C3 (except for C3NE), D3, E3 (except for E3SE), C4, E4NE, E4NW, C5 (except for C5SW), D5SE, E5NE, E5NW, C6NW, or D6.