T.S 6 Flashcards
6.1 Responsibility and Organization
1) The Washington State University research reactor shall be operated by the Nuclear Science Center of Washington State University. The organization of the research reactor facility management and operation shall be as shown in Figure 6.1. The responsibilities and authority of the Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 operating staff shall be defined in writing in these Technical Specifications.
(2) The following organizational levels and responsibilities shall exist:
(a) Vice President for Research (Level 1): The Vice President for Research is the head of the WSU Office of Research.
(b) Director of the Nuclear Science Center (Level 2): The Director of the Nuclear Science Center shall report to the Vice President for Research. The Director is responsible for ensuring that regulatory requirements and implementation are in accordance with requirements of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Code of Federal Regulations, the State of Washington, and Washington State University regulations and the requirements of the WSU Reactor Safeguards Committee.
(c) Reactor Supervisor (Level 3):
(i) The Reactor Supervisor shall report to the Director of the Nuclear Science Center and is responsible for guidance, oversight, and technical support of reactor operations.
(ii) The Reactor Supervisor shall report to the Director of the Nuclear Science Center and to the Reactor Safeguards Committee in matters of radiation protection.
(d) Reactor Operating Staff (Level 4): The reactor operating staff shall report to the Reactor Supervisor. Reactor operating staff shall include one or more licensed Senior Reactor Operator, Reactor Operator or Reactor Operator trainee.
(e) Radiation Protection
(i) Radiation protection activities shall be carried out by Level 3 or Level 4, with supervisory function performed by the Level 3, Reactor Supervisor.
(ii) The Reactor Safeguards Committee shall perform the review and audit function over the radiation protection activities within the facility.
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(iii) The University Radiation Safety Officer, as an ex-officio member of the Reactor Safeguards Committee, shall provide communication regarding radiation safety to the Director of the Nuclear Science Center.
(iv) The University Radiation Safety Officer shall have oversight, through the Reactor Safeguards Committee, of activities utilizing radioactive material.
(3) Responsibilities of one level may be assumed by higher levels or by alternates designated by a higher level, conditional upon meeting all requirements for the position.
- 2 Staffing
6. 2.1 Minimum Staffing Levels
1) When the reactor is not secured, the minimum staffing level shall consist of:
(a) a licensed Reactor Operator or Senior Reactor Operator in the control room;
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Audit Function
Level 4
Reactor Operating Staff (Health Physics and Reactor Operations)
(b) a second designated person present at the facility complex able to carry out written instructions;
(c) a designated Senior Reactor Operator who shall be readily available in the Dodgen Research Facility or on call.
(2) A Senior Reactor Operator who is “on call” shall be defined as an individual who:
(a) has been specifically designated and this designation is known to the Reactor Operator on duty;
(b) keeps the Reactor Operator on duty informed of where he/she can be rapidly contacted and the contact telephone number;
(c) is capable of getting to the reactor facility in less than 30 minutes and shall remain within a 15 mile radius of the facility;
(3) It is not necessary to have a Senior Reactor Operator on call if the Reactor Operator in the control room is a Senior Reactor Operator. If the Reactor Operator in the control room is a Senior Reactor Operator a second person shall be present in the facility as described in Section 6.2(1)(b).
6.2.2 Contact Information
(1) A list of personnel including name and telephone number shall be readily available in the control room for use by the Reactor Operator. The list shall include:
(a) facility Director;
(b) Reactor Supervisor;
(c) all licensed Reactor Operators and Senior Reactor Operators.
6.2.3 Events Requiring the Direction of an SRO
A licensed senior reactor operator shall be present at the facility for:
(1) Initial startup and approach to power;
(2) All fuel movement or relocation;
(3) All control rod relocations within the core region;
(4) Relocation of any in-core experiments or irradiation facilities with a reactivity worth greater than $1.00;
(5) Recovery from unplanned or unscheduled shutdown;
(6) Recovery from unplanned or unscheduled significant power reduction.
6.3 Selection and Training of Personnel
The selection, training and requalification of each member of operations personnel shall meet or exceed the requirements of ANSI/ANS 15.4 – 2007, “Standard for the Selection and Training of Personnel for Research Reactors,” for comparable positions.
- 4 Reactor Safeguards Committee
6. 4.1 Function
The Reactor Safeguards Committee shall function to provide an independent review and audit of the Nuclear Science Center activities including:
- reactor operations;
- radiological safety;
- general safety;
- testing and experiments;
- licensing and reports;
- quality assurance.
Composition and qualifications
(1) The Reactor Safeguards Committee shall be composed of at least five members knowledgeable in fields that relate to nuclear reactor safety.
(2) The members of the Committee shall include:
(a) one Senior Reactor Operator who may be the Director of the Nuclear Science Center. The presence of Nuclear Science Center staff members shall not be counted to constitute a quorum. Nuclear Science Center staff members shall not be voting members of the Committee.
(b) WSU faculty and staff members designated to serve on the Committee in accordance with the procedures specified by the WSU committee manual.
(3) The University Radiation Safety Officer shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee.
(4) The Reactor Safeguards Committee is a WSU Presidential Committee which performs reviews and audits of the WSU Nuclear Science Center. The Reactor Safeguards Committee reports to the WSU Vice President for Research.
6.4.3 Reactor Safeguards Committee Operation
The Reactor Safeguards Committee shall operate in accordance with a written charter, including provisions for:
(1) semiannual meetings of the full committee;
(2) voting rules;
(3) quorums: the committee chair or a designate and two voting members;
(4) method of submission and content of presentations to the committee;
(5) use of subcommittees;
(6) review, approval and dissemination of minutes.
6.4.4 Reviews
The responsibilities of the Reactor Safeguards Committee or designated subcommittee shall include the following:
(1) review
(2) review
(3) review
and approval of new experiments utilizing the research reactor;
and approval of proposed changes to the following:
(i) the operating license (R-76) by amendment;
(ii) Standard Operating Procedures;
(iii) Technical Specifications.
of the operation and operational records of the Nuclear Science Center;
(4) review of operating abnormalities or deviations from normal and expected performance of equipment with safety significance;
(5) review in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59 whether proposed changes in equipment, systems, tests, experiments or Standard Operating Procedures would be allowed without prior authorization by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
(6) review of reportable occurrences and the reports filed with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for reportable occurrences;
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(7) biennial review and approval of all standard operating procedures and changes to the standard operating procedures;
(8) biennial review of the emergency plan and the security plan;
(9) annual review of the radiation protection program;
(10) review audit reports.
6.4.5 Audits
1) The RSC or a subcommittee shall audit reactor operations semiannually. The semiannual audit shall include at least the following:
(a) review of the reactor operating records;
(b) inspection of the reactor operating areas;
(c) review of reportable occurrences;
(d) radiation exposures within and outside the facility;
(e) operations for conformance to the Technical Specifications and license conditions.
(2) The RSC or a subcommittee shall audit the following at biennial intervals:
(a) emergency plan and implementing procedures;
(b) retraining and requalification program;
(c) security plan.
6.4.6 Records
The activities of the RSC shall be documented by the secretary of the Committee and distributed as follows:
(1) A written report of all audits performed under Section 6.4.5 shall be prepared and forwarded to Level 1 and Level 2 management within 3 months after the audit has been complete.
(2) A written report of all reviews performed under Section 6.4.4 shall be prepared and forwarded to the Level 1 and Level 2 management within 30 days following the completion of the review.
(3) The secretary of the Reactor Safeguards Committee shall maintain a file of the minutes of all meetings.
6.4.7 Experiment Review and Approval
Approved experiments shall be carried out in accordance with established and approved procedures. The following provisions shall be stated in a Standard Operating Procedure for review and approval of experiments:
(1) All new experiments or classes of experiments shall be:
a. installed in the reactor or in its irradiation facilities only after a safety analysis has been performed;
b. reviewed and approved by at least 2 Senior Reactor Operators, including written approval by Level 2 or Level 3 management for compliance with the Technical Specifications;
c. reviewed and approved by the Reactor Safeguards Committee.
(2) Substantive Changes to previously approved experiments shall be made only after review by the Reactor Safeguards Committee and approved in writing by Level 2 or designated alternates. Minor changes that do not significantly alter the experiment may be approved by Level 3 or higher.
(3) An experiment shall not be installed in the reactor or in its irradiation facilities until after a safety analysis has been performed and reviewed for compliance with Section 3.6 by the Reactor Safeguards Committee in accordance with Section 6.4.7 of these Technical Specifications.
6.5 Radiation Safety
(1) The Reactor Supervisor (Level 3) shall have responsibility for implementing the radiation protection program using guidelines of ANSI/ANS-15.11-1993 (R2004). The Reactor Supervisor shall report to Level 2 management and shall communicate with the Reactor Safeguards Committee on matters of radiation safety.
(2) Radiation Protection
(a) The Reactor Safeguards Committee shall have oversight responsibility as defined in Section 6.1(2)(e)(ii) and 6.1(2)(e)(iv).
(b) The Reactor Operating Staff (Level 4) shall conduct radiation protection procedures in licensed areas, and shall report to the Reactor Supervisor (Level 3).
6.6 Action To Be Taken if a Safety Limit Is Exceeded
The following actions shall be taken if a safety limit is exceeded:
(1) The safety limit violation shall be reported within 24 hours by telephone to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center.
(2) The reactor shall be shut down and reactor operation shall not be resumed until authorized by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
(3) The safety limit violation shall be promptly reported to Level 1 management or designated alternates, to Level 2 management or designated alternates, to Level 3 management and to the Chair of the Reactor Safeguards Committee.
(4) A safety limit violation report shall be prepared. The report shall describe the following:
(a) applicable circumstances leading to the violation, the cause and contributing factors;
(b) impact of the violation upon reactor facility components, systems, or structures and on the health and safety of personnel and the public;
(c) corrective action to be taken to prevent recurrence.
(5) The report shall be submitted to the Reactor Safeguards Committee for review.
(6) A report shall be submitted in writing, within 10 days, to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk.
6.7 Required Actions for Reportable Occurrences other than Safety Limit Violations
The following actions shall be taken as required by regulations or for a Reportable Occurrence, as defined in Section 1 for events that are reportable to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission within 24 hours. Reports are to be made to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center for:
(1) Reactor conditions shall be returned to normal, or the reactor shall be shut down. If it is necessary to shut down the reactor to correct the occurrence, operation of the reactor shall not be resumed unless authorized by Level 2 or designated alternates and the Chair of the Reactor Safeguards Committee.
(2) The occurrence shall be reported to Level 1 management, Level 2 management or designated alternates.
(3) The occurrence shall be reviewed by the Reactor Safeguards Committee at its next scheduled meeting.
(4) An immediate report of the occurrence shall be made to the Chair of the WSU Reactor Safeguards Committee.
(5) A report shall be prepared that includes an analysis of the causes and extent of possible damage, efficacy of corrective action, and recommendations for measures to prevent or reduce the probability of recurrence. The report shall be submitted to the Reactor Safeguards Committee for review.
(6) A report shall be submitted in writing to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk within 10 days.