Requalification Program Flashcards
How long are licensed good for?
- 10 CFR 55
- ANSI Standard 15.4 (2007)
Biennial requirements
- Written requalification exam ( not exceed 30 months)
- CFR guidelines
- NUREG guidelines
- Operations requirement
- Every two years: 10 reactivity manipulations
- Medical
- ANSI 15.4
- NRC form
Annual requirements
Op exam ( done in 15 months) •Checkout •Startup •Proceed to full power •50% power •Shutdown •Respond to an alarm situations (Must pass all 5 to pass)
If fail:
- the licensee shall undergo additional training before retaking the test
- the licensee shall not perform licensed duties until retaking and passing the test.
If missed:
Take as soon as possible and receive documented training on the Washington State University Nuclear Science Center Requalification Plan and 10 CFR 55.59.
Review forms •CFRs 19, 20, 50, 55 •Fitness for Duty Affirmation •SOPs and Emergency Plan/Procedures Annual assessment •Are you fulfilling your obligations as a WSU Reactor Operator?
Quarterly requirements
Operational requirements •Checkout •Startup •Four hours of full power operation •Shutdown •Pulse (every other quarter)
What happens if you miss or fail quarterly requirements?
If you miss the requirements…
• operating test
•6hrs of supervised of reactor operating hours
If you fail the requirements…
•Additional training required
•Retake exams – operating / written
•No licensed duties until “passing”
How to remain pulse certified ( attached to biennial requalifications)
To remain qualified to perform reactor pulses, an operator must complete at least one pulse semiannually at intervals not to exceed 7.5 months. An operator who does not meet this requirement must perform their next pulse under the supervision of an SRO.
Facility and safety review
a. All the following listed items will be promptly routed to each licensed operator and senior operator in the facility. Each licensee will be required to read this information and sign a routing slip.
1. Facility design changes.
2. Technical specification changes.
3. Facility license changes.
4. Standard operating procedure changes.
b. Each licensed operator and senior operator shall annually review all the current standard and emergency procedures of the facility. A form indicating that this has been done shall be maintained in the individual’s training file.
Training records
A training record file shall be maintained. The records for each licensed individual shall be maintained as required by the American Nuclear Insurers policy, which is currently life of the policy plus ten years. This record shall contain the following:
a. Performance on each section of the requalification program examination, including the actual examinations and answers given by each licensee.
b. Special lectures, attended as a result of failure to pass a written requalification examination and results of reexamination.
c. Quarterly certification forms.
d. Results of annual operations test.
e. Facility and safety review signed routing slips.
f. Biennial performance review.
g. Biennial medical evaluation NRC Form 396.
RO and SRO Biennial Performance Reviews
The training program supervisor for the Nuclear Science Center shall biennially review the performance of each licensed reactor operator and senior operator to ensure competence to perform licensed activities. This review shall include:
a. Performance on the written requalification examination.
b. Results of quarterly operations certifications.
c. Results of annual operations test.
d. Attitude toward following standard procedures and performing operations in a safe manner.
e. General overall performance of the individual in carrying out license responsibilities in a safe and competent manner.