TS Quiz 12 Flashcards
Thermo gel
What psi should be delivered to the nozzle?
75 psi for 15 GPM’s
Thermo gel
How many psi friction loss is added for the eductor?
60 psi
Thermo gel
How many psi friction loss is there per 100 feet of 1 inch hose
10 psi per 100 feet
Thermo gel
Coating should be applied to wet thickness
If Thermo gel dries out before the fire approaches, how can it be rehydrated?
With a fine mist
Thermo gel removal must be done within how many hours after application
24 to 48 hours
Thermal gel
Before use, handshake vigorously, for how long
Two minutes invert during shaking
Thermo gel
What are the weekly shaking instructions?
Handshake containers on apparatus
Thermo gel
What are the monthly shaking instructions?
Exchange with containers in fire station
Thermo gel
What are the every six months instructions?
Shake with the battalion issued shaker for at least five minutes
Thermo gel
Containers on the apparatus, and in Quarters, Shelby kept in what orientation
On their side
LCE S, and watch out for structure fires, there are three additional direct causes of fire, fighter, injury, or death in the Wildland, and these were added to LCES
Safety equipment
LCES and watch out for structure fires, there are________ watch out situation that have been identified when working in the Wildland. Each one of the watch out has on more than one occasion cause injury, or death to Firefighters.
LCES and watch out for a structure fires, options for communications are all except
Hand signals
How is line pull
Operational airhorn retreat
Hand signals
According to LCES and watch out for structure fires, the company officer, operating on a hose line with their crew may be described as having what kind of vision
Surrounding vision
LCES and watch outs for structure fires communication among members operating at incidence is always best accomplished by
Face to face
LC ES and watch out for a structure
The air horn signal, which is used in an adjunct to an operational retreat, a sounded and silence for __________ cycles for a total of________ seconds.
The California safe, surrendered, baby law, as amended allows a person to surrender a minor child(_______ hours or younger) do any fire fighter on duty at any one of our stations?
72 hours
Safe surrender, baby lol, each Fire Station should maintain_____ newborn, safe, surrender kits?
Newborn, safe surrender kits consist of all the following, except
Instructions on how to reclaim the surrendered baby
Newborn, safe surrender, law states at once the baby is surrendered. The next step is.
Paramedics shell transport to E dap
Aggressive behavior
Particular risk factors for sudden death from positional asphyxia include all of the following, except
Presence of stimulant, drugs, cocaine, or amphetamines
Aggressive behavior
The following steps shall be followed, whenever a person with aggressive behavior has been forcefully, restrained, except
Fire resources members shall assist with transportation to the hospital
Book 8
As he builds up, the lining on the brakes use begin to melt. As it melts, it turns to liquid that lubricates the space between the shoes in the drum causing the brake drum to glaze is known as what
Brake fade
Book 8
The use of ________ greatly reduces the blind area almost apparatus
Convex mirrors
Book 8, which is not part of the Smith system
Make sure you see them
Book 8
What is the general rule used to calculate following distance?
Three vehicle links for every 10 mph in heavy apparatus
Book 8 what percentage of accidents occur between the hours of 4 PM and 8 PM
Book 8
When driving in fog, headlight should be used in what position
Low beams
Book 8
What is approved scenario to drive with your foot on the break and the Excelerator at the same time
Clearing water from the brakes after driving in a puddle
Book 8
Drivers training, manual, good attitude, makes up what percentage of safe driving practices
Book 8
from the time in a situation arises to the time, the driver identifies the hazard, predicts its influence, decides on an action, and begins executing. The action describes what.
Reaction time
Book 8
Total stopping distance is determined by all of the following factors, except
Reaction time
Vehicle breaking
Stopping time
Stopping time
Compressed, air foam brush patrol
When class a farm concentrate is added to water, foam solution is produced. Recommended phone mixtures range from.
.1-1 percent
Compressed, air foam, brush, patrol apparatus, medium expansion ratio of foam is what
Compressed, air, foam, brush, patrol, apply, dry foam to outside walls, eaves, roofs, columns, or other exposed surfaces. Loft the foam stream to avoid breakdown and runoff that occurs due to impact of additional foam. A______ foam layer is appropriate.
2018 Pierce
The pump is successfully engaged with the speedometer reads what miles per hour
2018 Pierce
Do not work within ______ feet of high-voltage lines energize from 600 to 50,000 V
2018 Pierce
If you see a hydraulic leak, never search for leaks with your hands or other body parts. High-pressure hydraulic fluid at pressures as low as. _________ psi can penetrate skin.
2018 Pierce
Vehicle is equipped with a reverse control system. When the transmitter button is released, signals activate in the cab, informing the driver to stop immediately. The stop signal last for approximately. _______ seconds.
2018 Pierce
Running the engine, idle allows the lubricating oil and coolant to carry heat away from the combustion chamber, bearings, chefs. This is especially important with turbocharged engines. The turbo charger contains bearings and seals that are subject to the high heat of combustion exhaust gases. While the engine is running, the heat is carried away by normal oil circulation. If the engine is stopped, suddenly, the turbo charger temperature may rise as much as________ degrees
2018 Pierce
The air pressure gauge indicates the amount of pressure in each section of the split air brake system. Indicator light will light and the alarm will sound anytime the ignition switch is set to the run position, and the pressure in either section is less than approximately. ________ psi