TS Quiz 11 Flashcards
In inventory for warehouse, it’s an inventory that is conducted every?
The______ will cause apparatus to be transferred in accordance with the apparatus assignment, schedule approved by the fire chief
Supply and maintenance division commander
Who may request a transfer of a non-emergency vehicle?
Any officer
When apparatuses reassigned, an inventory show accompany the apparatus. Receiving officer will check inventory, and she’ll report any shortage of items to.?
Battalion commander
At Tess for stations, rotation of like triples assigned to Seems Station, they shall be rotated?
June of odd years
After the apparatus rotation, appropriate entries, Shelby made in
Officers who are responsible for a specific portion of the apartments inventory show cause search portion of the inventory to be checked for a completeness on the following occasions, except
By July 1 of all odd numbers
When there is a change of command
Weekly apparatus checks
Other times deemed necessary
Weekly apparatus checks
To correct any discrepancies found in either the outgoing or incoming officer, what forms must be prepared
F2 25
Driver training program will be schedule once per year and will be conducted in how many phases
Phase 2 consists of fire, suppression an EMS personnel participating in the division, driver, training, and driver rodeo, and is scheduled on a
Division, wide basis
Modified rodeo to be used by both fire, suppression EMS personnel to evaluate their skills in a driving Rescue ambulance the statement refers to which phase of the driving rodeo?
Phase 2
Members who presently maintain a class two drivers license, and do not complete the driver training course and rodeo with a passing score will be required to complete remedial training and be re-examined within?
Three months
The division driver training coordinator is a position that is held by
Captain II
The annual drivers training program she’ll be staffed by
Three officers
Between 19 12, 1984 motor vehicle desperate 10,000 registered vehicles were reduced by
91 percent
FaceTime 1983 #DATA, interstate, another limited access routes accounted for about 90% of the fatal accidents in urban areas and only_______ percent in rural areas
According to studies, safety belts are________ percent effective in preventing fatalities in injuries
As of________, 13 states in Acton, mandatory safety belt use
June 21, 1985
If all states raise the speed limit to 65 or 70, there would be_____[_ percent increase in fatalities
Pressure washers are dangerous and can cause an________ injury
It is expected that major undercarriage cleaning will be done with the company is
The approved undercarriage cleaning is listed in the catalog as
Degreaser gunk type
In all cases where power washers are used, lubrication should be done
No later than the same day
Members using power wash equipment, Chevoit injection of high-pressure water into the following, except
Electrical equipment
ABS brakes
ABS brakes
Indicators of abuse with power washers are the following, except
Pressure washers
Water and lube areas
Erosion of softer materials
All the above
All the above
Use power lube, equipment with a maximum air pressure
60 psi
Following forms must be filled out during the bi monthly inspection, except
Which of the following inspection forms requires the BC signature
Patient care equipment she’ll be wiped down with an alcohol or_______% Bleach, based disinfectant after patient care
10 percent
Body armor purchase prior to[_____ should be stored flat not curled
What are the most overlooked affects of natural ventilation on hillside homes is?
Diurnal winds
Diurnal winds usually change direction how many times a day
Air management policy is an integral component of LAFD while working in an ID LH environment. And management is all of the following except
A muscle memory
A practice
Muscle memory
And maintaining alignment with national standards, the LAFD has reached the recommendations as defined in NFPA standard
LAFD, annual air management member training and recertification should be completed annually during the month of