Trust of land (coown) Flashcards
INTRO-Remember what is trust of land?
A trust of land separates the legal title of the land from the equitable ownership rights
Trusts happen with coownerships
INTRO-what is the legal title held by?
trustees -no enjoyment rights but rather fiduciary duties and powers of management and disposition over land - for those beneficiares
INTRO-what are beneficiares?
beneficiaries ie those entitled to equitable ownership rights -equitable ownership which confers on the beneficiaries of the trust equitable title to the land and rights of actual enjoyment in the land.
INTRO-what are trustees and beneficiares usally?
same people
INTRO-what is the trust machinery used to give effect to?
used to give effect to both successive and concurrent enjoyment rights in land
INTRO- where are the trusts defined?
s1 TLATA 1996 - as being any trust of prop which consists of either express or implied created whether arising before or after 1 jan 1997 - unlike TRUST FOR SALE - trustees under trust for land have no duty to sell but merely a power to do so.
TRUST OF LAND-Trusts of land over again?
implied: resulting / constructive
TRUST OF LAND- when do these trusts arise- already gone over but short terms?
ARISE THROUGH THE ABOVE - a trust only exists in cases of coownership
express- self decl by legal owner that it is being held on trust , or land conveyed to another be held on trust- conform with formalities under s.53 1 b - they must be ev in writing- if satisfied= conclusive but rebut if fraud
implied trusts- do not need formalilites
resulting- legal owner may be required to hold land on trust for those who contributed to the purchase of the land - share being proportionate to contrib- rebut r t if did not intend to acquire a beneficial interest e.g gift/loan
constructive- arise by expressed- beneficial ownership shared/inferred- by conduct contrib towards price of prrop whether intitally ongoing or payment of mortage so other factors etc - stack conduct - all following det rel
TRUST OF LAND- who will be trustees in unreg land?
will be those named on the title deeds
TRUST OF LAND- who will be trustees in reg land?
trustees will be on the proprietorship part of the Land Register.
what are the types of coownership?
where two or more people are entitled to possess and enjoy the property at the same time - there are 2 types -regulated by the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 (TOLATA).
what are the 2 types?
The equitable title of co-owners under trust can either be
joint tenancy
tenancy in common
Typically in modern conveyancing where an Express Declaration of Trust is used, (e.g TR1 Box 11), the co-purchasers will expressly declare a trust in their own favour and expressly declare that they hold the land on trust for themselves, either as tenants in common or joint tenants of the equitable title. This is conclusive either way.
(Note also use of optional form JO by Registry)
Goodman v Gallant (1986)
Roy v Roy (1996)
Pankhania v Chandengra (2012)
Clarke v Meadus (2010)
(exceptional case where express declaration of trust overruled by use of a proprietary estoppel argument based on unconscionability)
OWNER-what are the types of coownership?
where two or more people are entitled to possess and enjoy the property at the same time - there are 2 types -regulated by the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 (TOLATA).
OWNER-what are the 2 types?
The equitable title of co-owners under trust can either be
joint tenancy
tenancy in common
Typically in modern conveyancing where an Express Declaration of Trust is used, (e.g TR1 Box 11), the co-purchasers will expressly declare a trust in their own favour and expressly declare that they hold the land on trust for themselves, either as tenants in common or joint tenants of the equitable title. This is conclusive either way.
(Note also use of optional form JO by Registry)
Goodman v Gallant (1986)
Roy v Roy (1996)
Pankhania v Chandengra (2012)
Clarke v Meadus (2010)
(exceptional case where express declaration of trust overruled by use of a proprietary estoppel argument based on unconscionability)
OWNER-points of the two types?
All co-owned legal titles can only ever be held on a legal Joint Tenancy.
As to whether a Joint Tenancy or Tenancy in Common arises, is only relevant when considering the status of how the equitable title to the land is co-owned. The real financial value of the land lies in the equitable ownership thereof.
JT-what is joint ten?*
co owners togev as single legal entity- holding whole property as one single owner, with no seperate shares in propert
) there will always be a joint tenancy in relation to the legal title, Ss.34 and 36 LPA 1925. (First named transferees on transfer to be registered as legal proprietors/be the trustees, up to a maximum of the first four, S.34 (2) Trustee Act 1925).
JT-what must you need to amount to a joint tenancy? *
4 Unities of Title : must be present P.I.T.T.: Possession Interest Title Time
JT-what is meant by possesion?
Each joint tenant is entitled to possession of the whole as the others. Each joint tenant can occupy each and every part of the land. None, as a general rule can exclude the other from the land or any part.
JT-what is meant by interest?
Each joint tenant is entitled to the whole, and the interest of each joint tenant co-owner must be the same in extent, nature and duration, e.g both A and B in equity must co-own a freehold estate.
JT-what is meant by title?
This means that the interest of each joint tenant must vest at the same time.
JT-what is meant by time?
This means all joint tenant must acquire their title in the same way, usually by taking the same conveyance/transfer.
JT-what do you also have with joint tenancy?*
since single owner togev, no sep share that may deal independantly with others , instead each has potentional to claim seperate share through process of SEVERANCE - in equity only -Gould v Kemp
JT-what do you also have with joint tenancy 2?*
The doctrine of Ius Accrescendi applies – ‘right of survivorship’. This means if any one joint tenant dies, the joint tenant(s) remaining automatically inherit the equitable title to the land without the need for any further conveyance etc- there is no share for his heirs to inherint just joint ten - the last joint owner when all died will becomes sole owner at which coownership will cease
-This means a joint tenant can not leave his interest in the property to another in their will. Neither will their interest in the land form part of their estate should they die intestate. It will simply pass to the other joint tenants. If there is only one other joint tenant, they become solely entitled to the land and can leave it in a will should they wish. Where both joint tenants die together in circumstances where it is impossible to determine which one died first, it is presumed the eldest died first and thus the property will form the estate of the youngest under s.184 Law of Property Act 1925
TIC-what is tenancy in common?
cowoners hold a distinct, individual, althoughas yet undivided , share in prop - undivided meaning not poss to say which part of prop the shares relate to , share often reflects intial contrib to purchase price
There is still unity of possession and no physical division of the land.