Land Reg interests part Flashcards
if registered to land subject to? two types of interest?
any interested into reg relating to the estate - first time= at tiem of acquistion the estate was unreg there will be those interests regsitered as land charges under lca 1972
-OVERERIDING INTERESTS- first time- sch1
reg=complete sub transc of reg land= sch3
what mainly deal with in exam?
overrding interests first
process of both before on reg? for estates
Exchange contract complete ,signed deed transfer sent everything off to land register, purchaser new prop and now become reg land alright, if theres unreg 3rd parryty prop rights which affect unreg title will they bind the purchaser
what about interests and reg land?
if unreg cant bind but if tehy unreg fit within overring interests can bind on reg too.
what do overriding interests go against?
mirror principle that reg shoudl reflect not only who owns land but any 3rd parties affecting it
increasing marks?
extra added info
interests which override first reg?
sch1 will override reg-override the estate of a first registered proprietor (freeholds -S.11 LRA & leaseholds S.12 LRA).
what are the 3 types of overriding interests in sch1?
- legal leases of 7 yrs or less in duration
- interests of persons in acc occ
- legal easements or profits
what about sch 1 and 3?
The interests which override a first registration as listed in Schedule 1 are similar to but slightly wider than those overriding registered dispositions in Schedule 3.
sch 3 more signif and better to study
Unregistered Third Party Interests which Override and Bind a Purchaser of Registered Land?
The following rights will bind a purchaser of a pre-existing Registered Title even though they do not appear on the Land Register, S.29 LRA). (Broadly similar to those in Schedule 1 but slightly more restricted in nature in places!).
Schedule 3(1) LRA 2002:
Leasehold estates for 7 years or less
These override and will bind a purchaser of a registered disposition.
5 yr= legal lease, not on land reg as cant go on reg not long enough- e.g go to land lord lease for this time not on reg- but they do override and bound - u can vol reg but noone ever does- less = deed- unreg - but binding and overrrding
if over 7 you need to register or wont give you legal lease- not enough under sch 3 1 having deed
-could be in Australia time of completion doesn’t matter as it is legal elase all u have to do is turn up
general rule for leases?
Legal leases – general rule- legal lease have to be by deed if lease is 3 yrs or less it can be legal lease if falls s.54 (2) lpa short leases
.g if u shake hands and agree 400 quid a month monthly legal tenancy under s54 2 so lease of 3 yrs or less can be lgal even though purely moral , you don’t need it, that will be legal leqase under sch 3 1` , deed requirements set out in s1 s2
e.g .g if robyn let house out 2 months b4 sell to me freehold , old bhosue charge 100 quid a month free hold take lease cause override each month les than 3 yrs could be yearly lease less than 3 so leases (legal) not eq legal lease override under s3 1
what should we remember with legal leases and eq leases?
legal lease over seven years must be reg to make leg- automatically entered on reg of freehold land to which they relate - s38 lra 2002- so purchaser of land bound
eq-must be entered as notice on reg by holder of interest in order to be binding - if failed needs to satisfy req to enforce
what is the most important category?
Schedule 3(2): The Interests of persons in actual occupation
what about Schedule 3(2): The Interests of persons in actual occupation ?
Most important category of overriding interest.
Protects third parties who have property rights and who are in ‘discoverable’ actual occupation of the land at the time of practical completion & also it seems registration of the land purchase. See Abbey National v Cann (1991) and Thompson v Foy (2009).
question you should ask with acc occ?
q ask you self: are there any parties here in actual occupation?- if yes the occ has to be reasonably discoverable under reasonable inspection has to be patent (discoverable) so if are in physical act occ of alnd in completion of purchase – are they physical and do they have prop rights bc if they were in physical ac op of alnda t time of purchase and this is same for sch 1
-buyer beware should have inspected- you shoudl have made enquiry- responsible for conseq if dont
when will it be binding on purchaser?
under this provis where the holder of the interest can establish
- interest he holds is prop-legal or eq and not excluded by lra 2002
- interest existed at time of dispo
- were in acc occ to which the interests relates and either:
- the occ would be obv upon a reasonably careful inspection of land
- even if not obv the purchaser had actual knowledge of itnerst
failed case- hogson v marks failed to disclose interest if eenquiry of it- purchaser should make enquiry of actual holder of interest not enough to make enquires of registered owner
examples of acc occ?
some physical presence on land which itself has degree of permanace or continuity
- temporary absence event at time of dispo may not preventing finding of acc occ - need reason e.g absence due to birth in hosp chokar v chokar - stockhiolm was more of a lenghty period
- persoitiiant intention to reutn to prop e.g in mental home-linklending v bustard = acc occc
when must acc occ be established?
exist at time of transfer of land e.g when tranfer of deed is executed- abbey antional
e con- transfer (deed) and registation happens same time
what is acc occ test?*
(i) It is the actual occupation of the third party right holder not the right itself which must be reasonably discoverable.
Test is: Would the transferee purchaser would have discovered the right holder’s actual occupation if he had made a reasonably careful inspection of the property?
Trial judge will resolve this question on evidence available.
(ii) Further, even if the actual occupation is not apparent on a reasonable inspection, the third party interest will still bind purchaser if he had actual knowledge of the property right.
eg of test?**
(iii) Further, third party right will not override IF purchaser made inquiry of the right holder and asked for disclosure of the right and the third failed to disclose the same when he reasonably could have expected to do so.
The inquiry must be the correct one, such as the question :
E.g What property rights (if any) do you have in relation to this property?
if they dont register pruchaser bound
what about personal rights?
Personal rights are excluded from section e.g licences.
e.g lodger licensee I can buy house and chuck u out, whereas acc occ cant kick u out= overriding interest
what only falls within this section and examples?
Only property rights fall within section,
e.g options, (Webb v Pollmount (1966)
- Beneficial interests under trusts which are not overreached, (Williams & Glyn’s Bank v Boland (1981)
- Rights to rectify leases Blacklocks v J.B Developments (1982)
other property rights in detail (cut down)?
Options 2 purchase Webb- had sit where had a land lord free holder has a tenant of a commercial prop , the landlord granted the tenant an option 2 purchase the landlords free hold, an option to purchase is a state contract , land lord gave tenant the right to cumpolsury purchase land lods free hold good as get it haldf the market value but the landlord then sold registered freehold to new landlord the tenant jumps up and wants to excertions option of purchase against new landlord the question was did the option bind new purchaser new landlord, the option to purchase very common in land law to a property right given to 3rd partyt- esate contract have to comply s2 , has to be consideration, now if option is valid normally to protect the option holder should have asked to register option as an acconomance against title, so should have registered both of your option as a burden against my land in charges part of land reg, so when robyn bought land she been bound by option, tenant didn’t do thatm prop right u can reg that, when didn’t change of lanflord purchaser u buy from me q was good option count as overrding interest, yes bc tiem u bought freehold from me you were still an acc occ cause tenant there with many yrs to go on lease and that acc occupation gave u a protefctive status so any prop rights you ahd could be overridn under 71 g lra 1925 now s3 2 2002 so wbb v pollmout 3rd party tenant had option- acc occ rendered option enforceable against new purchaser change of land as overding interest under s3 2- 1 type of prop right u can override but you need option holder to be acc occ and time
- Williams bank v boland = registered land wife and man she contributed cowonership in eq he remorgtated behind her back to Williams gyns back they get charge over land adanvance mortage money to him , she say he cant reposess against her, so she puts in defence and argues advanced rto 1 trustee not 2 so theres was no overreaching so she has an un overreached beneficial interest and court agrees and as unoverrwched = overriding interest- and she was ann acc occ and time of compelteiton she was and was lviign there just didn’t know what as going on- sch 3 2 – more infor 36 mins fcomplettion and register
Rights to rectify leases –block of flats built made into 4 flats on land – sells freehold to property hoders to- the 3 blocks had been sold all falts empty apart from flat 3 etc the purchaser flat 3 90 yr lease to young coule but rest of flats empty then he says are any overrding interest in relation to flats we said no then another letter saying double check and 90 yr lease u have exhnage of contract, completeltion and form of deed its like freehold now one xhncgae of contract the contract relseas ehasd a landlords repairing convenet which means that – ny lease which was compelted to the couple by deed , theyd left off landlords repairing coveneant so there was not reapiring obligation on landlord that means that rights to rectify completion , because fromalr elsease didn’t reflect contractuak and cause there was omission formal lease by deed = discrepancy gives tenants right in eq to sek rectification of final release against land lord the right to rectify a legal doc is an equitable property right itself that defect gave the tenant against landlord an equitable right of rectification to claim rectification , it was held in black locks that was a prop right and as tenan in occupation= overding interest , they said are there any overriding interet and they said no we didn’t tell truth , there was there was a right to rectify- msi rep falsestatement of fact which induces the contract we say no but did send another letter sayin to check so we had a trial , my arg duty was for them to check but breach of contract the tenants had right to rectify against these people th, landlord to override breac of contract fight it out and sort of draw get some but not all but then – contract and land law connected in conveyancing – right to rectify a lease to make it reflect agreement realse is treated as eq formal prop right so can override and bind a purchaser