Trust In Social Psychology Flashcards
What are the similarities between sociologists and social psychologists
They both think that trust is only relevant in situations including uncertainty and where is is used to facilitate relationships
Schlenker, Helm and Tedeschi 1973, the effect of personality and situational variables in behavioural trust
Definition of trust
Trust is reliance upon information relieved from another person about uncertain environmental states and their accompanying outcomes in a risky situation
Holmes and Rempel 1989, trust in close relationships
Definition of trust
Trust is confidence that one will find what is desired from others, rather than what is feared
How do SP view trust…
Trust is an important concept that facilitates close relationships between actors
Harvey and Omarzu 1997, Minding the close relationship
Miller and Rempel 2004, trust and marriage
What is the view of trust taken by SP?
They look at how trustors place trust in individual trustees. Therefore the SP view on trust is labelled as interpersonal trust