Trunk- Osteology, anthrology and musculature of vertebral column and pelvic girdle Flashcards
what two curvatures are present embryologically and are carried through during birth, thus PRIMARY
Thoracic and Sacral - both are convex posteriorly yielding the curvature of the fetal position
what in the spine develops postnatally as a result of head support and locomotion
secondary curvatures - lumbar and cervical - both convex anteriorly
exaggerated posterior curvature
The loss of turgidity of the nucleus pulposus contributes to
Pathologically, kyphosis is a response to muscular changes following the recovery from _________ infection
exaggerated anterior curvature of the spine
abnormal lateral curvature
Large cylindrical mass that increases in size inferiorly through the lumbar region and then decreases in size through the coccygeal region
body of vertebra
Why are the superior and inferior surfaces of bodies of vertebrae marked by a roughened circumference and a smooth center?
the attachement of the annulus fibrosus fibrocartilage of the intervertebral disc and a smooth center of hyaline cartilage corresponding to the position of the nucleus pulposus
what encloses the vertebral foramen
vertebral arch
what is the term for the canal formed by all the vertebral foraminae collectively?
vertebral canal
paired structures that span the distance between the body and the transverse processes
what passes through the intervertebral foramen?
spinal nerve
paired structures that span the distance between the transverse process and the spinous process
Which process of the vertebrae act as leverage by the attachment of the deep back muscles
another word for articular processes
what type of joints are the facet joints?
synovial planar
why is extension compromised in the cervical region
overlapping spinous processes
why is flexion limited in the lumbar region
massive size of the bodies
pubic symphysis is a __________ joint
sacroiliac joints are __________ joints
synovial planar
Erector spinae group
Iliocostalis, Longissimus, spinalis
number of cervical thoracic and lumbar vertebrae respectively
also 5 fused sacral and 4 fused as coccyx
Which two muscles in the back do not have the common innervation of the dorsal rami of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal nerves?
Splenius cervicis - Dorsal rami of spinal nerves C4-8
Splenius capitis - C3-C5
Generally, which group of muscles originate on the TP and insert on the SP
Deep (transversospinalis group)
Semispinalis, multifidus, rotatores
Origin of iliocostalis muscles
common broad tendon from post iliac crest
sacroiliac ligaments
spinous processes of sacral and inferior lumbar vertebrae
Insertion of iliocostalis muscles
lumborum - inferior border of angle of ribs 12-6
thoracis - all of the ribs
cervicis - ribs 1-6 and posterior tubercles of C4-C6
Longissimus muscles have a common origin where
transverse processes at lower levels
Longissimus muscles insertions
thoracis - TP of thoracic vertebrae & tubercles of inf. border of ribs 9,10
L. cervicis - sup thoracic TP to cervical TP
L. capitis - arises with cervicis and attaches to mastoid process
Longissimus capitis rotates the head to the ____ side unilaterally
same ( attaches to the mastoid process)
Which erector spinae muscle originates and inserts on the spinous processes
Spinalis cervicis and captits blend to inert on what
ligamentum nuchae to axis
Starting with the insertion inferior to the sup nuchal line, the semispinalis muscles insert on the spinous processes of all vert from C2 to T4. What is the break up?
S. capitis - inferior to sup nuchal line
S. cervisis - SP of C2-C5
S. thoracis - SP of C6-T4
The semispinalis muscles originate on the TP of vertebrae T1-T10. Cervicis and capitis have the same origin. what is the breakup
S. thoracis - T10-T6
S. cervisis & capitis - T6-T1
Semispinalis capitis and cervicis both originate on the TP of _____. The difference is their insertion. What are they?
cervicis - C2-C5
capitis - inf. to sup. nuchal line
Typically, the multifidus muscles insert on the SP _____ vertebrae superomedially from their origin on the inferior lamina.
Rotatores originate on the ____ of the entire vert. column
Rotatores brevis insert superomedially to the SP of the ____ vertebra and longus on the ____ vertebra
next, 2nd
Which superficial intrinsic back muscle has shares its origin with Spinalis cervicis and capitis’s insertion?
Splenius capitis (ligamentum nuchae) it also originates on the SP of C7-T4
How to tell the difference between Semispinalis capitis and Splenius capitis.
- Splenius is more superficial
- Direction of fibers Semispinalis (superomedially), Splenius (superolaterally)
- insertion Semispinalis (inf to sup nuchal line), Splenius (lat part of superior nuchal line and mastoid process)
Origins of Splenius muscles
S. Cervicis - SP of T3-T6
S. Capitis - SP of C7-T4
where do the splenius muscles insert
cervicis - TP of C2-C5
capitis - lateral part of sup nuchal line and mastoid process
What muscle is listed as the intertransversarii of the thoracic region on our sheet?
Levator costarum
What is the levator costarum innervated by
Dorsal rami of thoracic spinal nerves
Where does levator costarum originate
Tip of thoracic TP
Where does levator costarum insert
inferolaterally to angle of inferior adjacent rib
action of levator costarum
elevate ribs during inspiration
Where does the Quadratus Lumborum originate
iliolumbar ligament and internal lip of iliac crest
Where does the QL insert
tips of lumbar TP and inferior border of rib 12
Which two abdominal muscles originate on the inguinal ligament, iliac crest, and thoracolumbar fascia
Internal ab. obl. and transverse abdominis
Internal obl is the lateral 2/3 of the ing. lig.
transverse also originates on the lower 6 ribs
All ab muscles are innervated by the ventral rami of spinal nerves, but slightly different branches. what are they?
Rectus and External - T5-T12
Internal and Transvers - T7-T12 iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal n.
both transverse and internal insert into the pubic crest and the linea alba. what else does the internal obl. insert into?
pectineal line
origin and insertion of rectus abdominis
o-pubic crest and symphysis
i- costal cartilage 5-7 and xyphoid process
The anterior and lateral fibers of the ex obl originate on the external surfaces of ribs 5-12. what’s the breakup?
anterior - 5-8
lateral - 9-12
the two insertions for ex obl
outer lip of iliac crest, and linea alba via aponeurosis
Which three suboccipital muscles insert into the occipital bone?
obliquus capitis superior, rectus capitis posterior major, minor
Since, C1does not have a SP, what does Rectus capitis posterior minor attach to proximally?
posterior tubercle of C1
Generally, superficial and intermediate muscle groups act to _____ and rotate the trunk to the ____ side
laterally flex, same
Generally, deep muscles of the back rotate the column to the _____ side
orientation of the superior articular facet in cervical vertebrae
orientation of the superior articular facet in thoracic vertebrae
orientation of the superior articular facet in lumbar vertebrae
The spinous processes in cervical vert are unique. what are they like?
why does L5 have a heavily elongated transverse process
attachment of the Iliolumbar lig
Spina bifida occulta is seen when….
there is a failure of closure of the posterior neuropore at L4
What is the inferior opening of spinal canal
sacral hiatus
What becomes ossified after menopause in females
the articular surface of sacroiliac joint
Why is the dermatome innervation on the posterior part of the head by the dorsal rami of C2
the dorsal ramus of C1 has no cutaneous sensory component, it only goes to the suboccipital muscles
The greater occiptial nerve is a combination of
the ventral rami of C2-3